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Anne and Gemma rented a house close by temporarily, so they could stay until the baby was born. It was lovely to have them around and they came over to fuss about us and take care of practical things for me. Our statement had been sent out and so far the reaction to it was positive. People didn't give much for Adam's interview and the Henries were very loyal, not only to Henry, but to me as well. They very quickly changed the narrative to Adam being a scorned ex-husband, and not a poor guy who had been left and forgotten. Henry made sure to post a little extra on SoMe, thanking them for their support and love. He even put out an unreleased track for them; something they loved. And as his final gesture he donated money to BIAA - Brain Injury Association of America.

Gemma spent a lot of time at our house and by my side. She couldn't believe that Adam would do something like that. "You must have been so upset," she said and looked sympathetically at me. "I wish everyone knew how you and Henry met." 

She was right, we had never really talked about it. There was the bit that made it into Henry's documentary when he recorded the album, but that was his side of the story. 

"I'm thinking something crazy", I admitted looking at Gemma. She made big eyes and gestured for me to spill. "I could write our story", I said feeling a little nervous. 

"Yes!" Gemma exclaimed. "You've wanted to write again, right?" 

I nodded. I had wanted to write for very long, but somehow I just never got around to it. I wasn't inspired enough to just sit down and write. But the idea of telling my side of our story, not bibliographically, but like faction, was exciting. Gemma agreed and offered to assist in any way I needed. 


My blood pressure was still too elevated. Dr. Walters wanted to see me for a consultation and to check up on everything. Henry was supposed to do an interview with Elle Magazine, but he cancelled and refused to be anywhere but by my side. I had tried to convince him that I could bring Gayle, Gemma or Anne, but he was adamant. His baby, his responsibility. I rolled my eyes at him and kissed him, honestly relieved. I wanted him with me most of all. 

Dr. Walters sat us down to have a talk about what was going on. She was always kind and easygoing, but today she seemed a little more serious. 

"I have to talk to you about preeclampsia. I'm not sure that's what's going on yet, but you are showing some of the signs, Ellie. We have to monitor you closely. There are several ways to approach it, and I need you to know what they are. First of all there's medication we can give you, but it won't cure preeclampsia. It'll lower the blood pressure, but the only way we can cure preeclampsia is by ending the pregnancy. That would mean we would deliver the baby early. You're so far along now that the baby would be fine coming into the world from now on. We can induce labour or we can deliver her by cesarean section. And then there's rest, rest and rest. Actual bed rest, where you don't do anything. We can hospitalize you to keep an eye on your blood pressure around the clock, and to monitor your organs and the baby's well-being." 

Henry cleared his throat. "What do you recommend?" His eyes were serious and he seemed nervous. I took his hand in mine. 

Dr. Walters smiled at us. "I recommend that you go home and stay in bed. Do as little as possible. I'll come see you at your house every other day. And this is important," she looked at Henry. "No stress." 

Henry nodded. "There's been a lot of pressure on Ellie this past week. We'll shut the world out", he smiled at me. 

"But is she alright in here for now?" I asked and gestured towards my stomach. 

Dr. Walters nodded. "Yes, so far all is well. But we need your blood pressure under control. It'll affect the both of you if you go around with it too long. And if we can't get it under control, I recommend a cesarean by the end of next week. You'll be 38+ weeks by then, and she's fine to come."

Henry and I looked at each other and he smiled and squeezed my hand. "It'll be alright, love," he said and winked at me. We thanked the doctor and got up to leave. We were almost out the door when she shouted:

"Oh and by the way - no sex from now on". 

We locked eyes and made a face at each other. 


"Confined to bed, but no hanky panky", Henry said as he tucked me in and sat down next to me on the bed. He smiled at me and put his hand on my stomach. I put my hand on top of his and caressed it. 

"I think we'll manage", I said with a heavy sigh, which made him laugh loudly. Immediately the baby started moving. Henry looked at my stomach with a shock. 

"Did she hear that?" He asked, making big eyes. 

"I think she did. She's telling you to stop laughing at me," I giggled. 

He smiled and put his face down close to my stomach. "Hello Nugget, I am your father", he said in his best Darth Vader voice. I laughed at him and ran my fingers through his hair as he leaned against me, listening to the bump. 

"I love you, Ellie," he whispered and kissed my stomach. "No stress from now on. I'll make you some tea and a sandwich and then we can watch something extremely boring on TV, okay?" 

"Okay. I love you, daddy," I said with a smirk. He raised an eyebrow at me and shook his head. 

"Don't excite me!" He said dramatically and went downstairs to the kitchen.

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