I watch him for a moment, and the chilly feeling inside me dissipates.

Whoever I saw that night, he was not here now.

The master was calm and beautiful, as he had been in my dreams last night. And whilst I know there is something hidden in his eyes, something dark - it is not evil.

It is not the thing I saw in the dark that night.

A smile forms the outline of my face. I can not help it.

I simply can not.  All I see is his face, peaceful in the meadows.

My cheeks heat up, and embarrassment dawns against my skin. I shake my head free from these wandering thoughts.

It is not my place to even think...

No, I can not ponder anymore.

I clear my throat, walking into the row. He does not look my way but I know he knows I'm here. He is not as startled as I would have been in his presence.

It is either because he felt my presence long before I ever saw him or because he was naturally awaiting me. I would be here sooner or later.

I am a slave and this is the job I was given.

"Y-you're here- here. Early..." I stutter unable to hide my surprise. This is the good morning I give to him.

I had thought I had time to clear my head. Scratch that, I thought that I would not feel this guilty-

It was only a dream and yet seeing him in reality right before me now, sent my cheeks burning, my voice breathless.

"Yes...I am," He responds nonchalantly.

I'm shaking slightly out of nervousness and guilt. His eyes stay in mine, solid, no emotion in them but it is as if he knows that I had been ogling him in my dreams.

I open my mouth to speak,  but nothing comes out, for there's nothing that comes to mind.

Certainly nothing intelligent,

"Uh, w-why?" The moment I ask it, I immediately regret it.

Why? Why am I asking a master why he's in his study?? Of all the things...

He stares at me at the question. And I feel more stupid than I ever thought possible.

I try to correct it as quickly as possible to drown out the awkward silence, but I end up rambling sentences full of gibberish words.

"I-I mean it is your study. I didn't mean to say you can not be here. This is your work- all of it," I add, gaze shifting upwards acknowledging the library.

He raises an eyebrow at this, probably aware of how fast my heart is inside me, and I am unable to look him in the eye anymore.

Instead, my gaze shifts to the floor, and I inwardly scold myself.

I am aware that a dream is a dream and that he could not have possibly been there, but I can not help but be shy about it.

His stare makes me feel like he knows. He knows that I marveled at his features in my dreams.

It is stupid, it is, but my cheeks are hot and I'm embarrassed.

Mostly because this is not me. I can not be this inappropriate with a master, nor with a friend.

"It is a pity." he begins with a soft sigh, "I thought we passed this."

My gaze shoots to him for a moment, I am confused at his words.

MATED TO THE NIGHT WOLF (MTTNW)Where stories live. Discover now