Something new, something that was beautiful, a dream for the first time I did not want to wake up from.

I smile softly, falling back into the space beside him.

I am afraid to change anything. To even touch him might cause me to wake up from this dream.

And so all I do is watch him as he breathes softly in and out. I have to be still to see this movement. He is so delicate it feels like he will fade soon.

It's hours that I've been watching him, but I swear it's only been a second, his eyebrows draw together, his jaw tightens and I wonder what he is thinking.

His breathing deepens, and he twitches slightly. I am
Slightly concerned about the discomfort he shows, his eyes darting beneath shut eyelids.

No,  I am concerned even though I know I have no right to be. I can not help when I move closer taking a deep breath in

"Master?" I whisper lowly. My voice is timid.

He is not breathing anymore, he seems frozen in time
And I take in his beauty, his exquisite features. I know that I dream, I know this image is mine -

It is the only place I can ever do this-

I reach out,  hesitantly at first, my fingers brushing a strand of his hair off his forehead -

My eyes flutter open and I'm awake again. It's morning- the sun is a sliver on the horizon.


I have not said a word to Vale in a day and a half. She watches me from the hoard of girls awaiting their buckets filled. Her gaze is sour and I know she is upset.

I glance away, focusing on my duty. I have already learned how to block the whispers and the taunts from the other slaves but today they do not taunt me.

Their words are still filled with whispers they heard from the guards and masters of the new visitors.

"If there is truly another Arc in this court, then Madam would have told us so," Haven announced, "she would not want us to make any mistake before the Night Wolf's guests."

"You think Madam cares about us?" one of the other slave girls mocked, "Would she not be delighted if there were fewer of us to keep in line?"

"I do not think she cares," Haven scoffs, folding her arms, "No one cares about us. But I do think she is better than others that take care of the slaves. I have come across enough to know we are safer in her care than that of others," she retorted.

I glanced at Haven for a moment as she said this before looking away, focusing on pumping.

I think she cares.

Madam Catherine reminds me so much of AMA. If she did not care, would she have warned me of the library? Would she keep personally taking me to its doors every morning? And though she's never said a word since then her eyes are careful to look me over.

She always looks at me each morning as if to ensure I have not lost my head yet. Perhaps I only see this in my head. Perhaps I am desperate and miss AMA this much that I need someone to take her place if only for a moment.

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