chapter 60: her big day

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The day was finally here. A feeling of trumpets and drums beating in the air lingered around. Kwonggan girls were getting ready for their match which was about to start shortly. 

"Today I, Eric from Kwonggan University and I, Amy from the University of Joosun are here as the spokesperson for this game, finals of the women's team. So please sit back and enjoy the game" 

"Alright girls today is the day we've all been waiting for months, now I am sure we have had several ups and downs but it was all for this day so you could stand in this spot at the doorstep of victory. I want each one of you to give your level best, it was nice being your coach this year and seeing you all work so hard" Jake said in a soothing voice

"Game on ladies" 

Cheers immediately filled the void of silence when both teams exited the changing room and walked to the field in their respective lines. 

As they reached the centre of the field and looked around the girls could see the stadium was full. It was shocking as no one really preferred to watch women's football. A sense of pride and nervousness filled the kwonggan girls. Taking a deep breath Jae looked at the audience, it wasn't hard for her to spot her parents sitting along with Semi's and minji's holding a big placard with their daughter's name written on it. She sighed and her eyes shifted to where Jay and sunghoon sat--

Stood. They were standing on top of their chairs with questionable hats on their head. Sunghoon wearing a bandana wig with blue green and yellow fake hair pointing out of it and jay wearing a pink mohawk hat. The two also had big placards that had their female friends' names on them, holding them high when Jae looked at them and cracking when she saw her friends and her name written in a slant handwriting on the board. Sunghoon having a party planner fever had a party horn in his pocket which he removed when the three girls looked at them. 

Semi, minji and jae laughed looking at each other because of their friends' behaviour. Jae's eyes then landed on the last familiar person she knew in the stadium. She observed him as he was drinking water from a small bottle then threw it in the dustbin and returned to his place just outside the field. Jake had a blank expression as he looked around the field feeling nervous and excited for his last game as a coach. His eyes soon locked with hers which already were on him, smiling as he mouthed 'good luck' to her. She blinked both her eyes with a grateful nod of her head. Jake swore if he could reveal his simp version out here he'd definitely blow her a kiss but resisted the urge of doing so.

The teams had to now take their position and the captains of both teams came to the centre as soon as the ball was thrown up Jae managed to hit it with her head and secure the possession. 

"From the first whistle, the tempo has surged. Kwonggan, known for their lightning-fast plays, are immediately taking control with their precise passes slicing through the opposition's defence" Amy the commentator spoke.

The crowd erupted as Kwonggan's star striker, Jae, weaved past defenders with the ball glued to her feet, leaving a trail of gasps in her wake. 

"SHE HAS UNLEASHED A THUNDEROUS SHOT AND...has grazed the crossbar narrowly missing the net" Amy continued.

"Not to be outdone, Joosun's team has countered with a swift, tactical game. Their captain, Dohee, orchestrated their movements, commanding the midfield with an iron will" Eric opened up.

"With lightning reflexes, Joosun's goalkeeper, Chayoung, defied gravity, leaping to deny a powerful header from Kwonggan's forward line" Eric continued.

"I am not going to lie but both of us speaking about each other's universities is such a plot twist" Amy chuckled to which Eric continued "Let's see if reverse psychology works today" 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2023 ⏰

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