Chapter 2: merciless

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"where is coach Jung? he still hasn't arrived, how are we going to train?" said one of the teammates 

"He must have a reason can you shut up for now" Jae said and rolled her eyes. 

"It is 5:30 already and even Jake hasn't come for his runs yet" Sera said as she raised her eyebrow. 

"yea bitches always care about their crushes" Jae scoffed and started running around the field on her own 

"impatient are we" his voice echoed around the field and she stopped and stared at him, there he was in his soccer clothes and his cold face almost like a replica of hers, he made an action for her to come to join the team 

"stand in one line with the proper distance I don't want a crowd and let me get to know you," he said and almost immediately they stood in a line but there Jae was, walking slowly as a snail and then joined them standing on the extreme left

"Why should we?" Heemi questioned curiosity lingering on her face. 

"I am Jake Sim the captain of the male team and the newly appointed coach for the female team. Coach Jung has to attend to his mother who is terminally ill hence the replacement. Nice to meet you," Jake spoke and as he finished he eyed the girl at the extreme right to start introducing herself. 

"hi I am Oh Aera from the 1st year and I am appointed as the goalkeeper," Aera introduced herself and then motioned to the girl on her left to continue. 

"hi I am noh eun-hae I am from the 1st year and I have the position for defence" 

"hi I am Kim heemi and I hold the position of defence I am in 1st year"

"hi I am Min Kyung-Su, I am studying in the 1st year and I am a midfielder"

"hi I am Lee Young-mi from the 1st year, and I hold the position of the midfielder too"

"hi I am Hwang Iseul and I am in the 1st year with the position of defence"

"hi this is Lim Hani I am in the 1st year and I am for the position of defence"

"hi I am Seo Kyung-mi and I am from the first year appointed as the midfielder"

"hi I am Lee Minji, I am in the 1st year of the position of midfielder"

"Hey, the name is Kwon Sera I'm the lethal striker here to score goals and make you irrelevant from 1st year" Jae looked at her and admired her 'self-confidence' that was slowly turning into narcissism.

"hi I am Kim Semi, from the 1st year and I hold the position of the striker," Semi said and looked at the last person, Jae. 

"why do they have to keep their introduction so long, oh god ugh," Jae said to herself and then spoke

"Byun Jae, 1st year,  striker" short and sweet she said not even interested to tell anything to the person who was looking at her 

"oh k that's good so from now on don't expect me to be like coach Jung, he is a really sweet coach but don't expect that from me, one mistake and istg you'll get the worst punishment you've ever got, and I mean it, don't try to act smart here, when I did my runs I saw a few coming in late, I won't tolerate that at all punctuality is smth I am too strict about even with my team so rule no.1 do not ever  be late," he said in his ice-cold voice highlighting every word

"and whichever days I decide you all will come in those days, and no excuses at all for missing the training or during the training for any kind of rest, of you, wanna do that then back out from the team, rule no.2 even if you are on another planet take a rocket and reach here on time" 

"I respect coach Jung a lot so I need to keep his name up for being his student so no stupidity is allowed too, you need to be strong and not a weakling,  there is no place to do that, rule no.3 do not try on fake sympathy ever or pretend of having headaches or so because idc how you are you just need to be a player and not a weakling 

"do not ever try disturbing me while I am studying or during university hours I am nothing but a 4th-year student to you all, and when I want I will approach y'all but y'all cant so rule no.4 I can gather y'all in any time of the day for practice after the university classes are over but if mine arent don't come searching for me or talk to me anytime during classes," he said while adding these rules showing that he is a devil if anyone breaks these rules 

"you all will train according to me and since you all are in the same year so it'll be easy for you all to connect, and do not talk back with me, rule no.5 never talk back, never ever,"

"don't try to flirt with me, I hate sluts rule 6. no flirting or sweet-talking," he said with his cold voice not caring about how it would hurt the girls by indirectly assuming they are sluttish

"in your changing room I'll enter whenever I want so better change in the cubicles, I have no interest in seeing y'all half-naked rule 7. always use the cubicles to change" he went on 

"rule no.8 always look at me and talk, I don't like people and especially cowards" 

"Last but not least, just call me jake nothing else, no Oppa, no sir nth like that I repeat, rule 9. do not call me Oppa or such things idc if I am older, you call those names only to your brother or boyfriend which makes me none," he said and looked at everyone 

"how about cold bastard"  Jae murmured but he heard it and looked at her with his ice-cold glare

 "you, Byun Jae, you. only you. will call me coach, no jake, no Oppa, no sir nothing at all its coach, and I repeat don't talk back or break these rules or else god save y'all, training starts from tomorrow, enjoy this day as if it's your last day" he said and turned his back to go away 

Jake's eyes pierced into Jae's making her want to walk up to him and physically slap him.

"what about the principle? if you are too vulnerable on us then we can reach out to her" Jae said once again making him lose it and turn back to answer her "sure, because if I hadn't agreed to be your coach he was ready to pay me, be thankful your team isn't cancelled and yea rule no.5 should be more specific to you" 

"rule no. 10, don't make me angry, or I can always pull someone in the team and you'll be out" he spat back and went away leaving everyone threatened by him except her


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I feel like publishing the whole book :D

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