chapter 6:mixed up

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"listen up right now, you have to train with the people you are going to substitute and the 2 substitutes of the goalkeeper will be the goalkeepers' responsibility AND I don't want anyone to throw tantrums or think they are superior, DO YOU ALL GET THAT?" his voice was clear and threatening to the new 11

"Hey, Sora come on we have to do drills together and make sure the ball doesn't go away from you okay?" Jae walked up to the said girl who nodded her head obediently and followed the latter. 

after all, Byun Jae wasn't a bad person, she practised with sora the first 3 drills calmly and made sure she got the hang of it, she is just a cold bitch, not a bad one 

from far away, he was there, looking at everyone and her he had to deal with 23 ppl and that too he wasn't a qualified coach but he did his best, and he was proud he wasn't failing as soon as there was a mid-break, the substitutes went towards the left side of the court while the main players went towards the right since they had their bottles there

"oh god why do we even need to teach them, and they are so dumb I could easily pass them" sera started vomiting words out of her mouth 

"Oh yeah? you think you are that superior?" Jae questioned her 

"ugh I am so much better at everything" 

"Oh yeah? Kwon sera? you think you are that great of a player is it?" there he was, jake sim 

"w..well-" she had no words 

"after college from 5:30 to 7:30 you'll come here for a punishment, be on time"

Jae just saw the drama between the 2 and rolled her eyes she got up and left to use the washroom and just like that they finished their morning practice 

"Kwon sera likes coach," Jae said to her 2 best friends 

"oh yea? well it does seem like that tho I mean she tries clinging but jake is savage too, he just pushes her away" minji replied 

"well now that I see jake is hawt" semi joined in 

"well is he?" Jae said and went past them to the cafeteria to grab some food 

semi and minji just saw her go with her hands in the pocket of her hot pants and just walk away

"is it just me or does Jae, our Byun Jae has a small tiny liking for jake?" semi asked minji 

"bruhhh I swear to god I feel that too!! like I don't know about liking but there is an electrifying connection kind of a thing, firstly both are cold, both are tall but both are dorks" minji followed the talk 

"But seriously I do feel smth electrifying between the 2" semi ended and followed to where Jae went 

the evening just came by and Jae finished her classes and went to her bicycle and bag around her but then she sera going to the field for her 'punishment' she saw her go in the field while she was tying the lace of her studs besides he wasn't alone, evening time was for the boy's team for practising and their practice was intense and that's what they were about to do, 

"good luck Kwon sera," Jae said to herself and mentally laughed 

she changed her mind about going home and made her way to the field and making sure no one looked at her she made her way to the last section of the bleachers where no one could make out who she was, also she had her hood on and just stared at Kwon sera doing rounds and do the drills on her own that too with a repetition of god knows how many times and she fell twice and stumbled a hundred time because of the ball

Jae just laughing at her and she laughed so much that she fell from her seat and laugh constantly at the faces sera made, well serves right to the extra smart ass, she thought she could flirt with him but what did she get? just a really 'severe punishment' 

but what happened next made Jae want to dig a hole and disappear in it, she sat back up with her normal face but he had his eyes on her from the field and she lost it, but she shouldn't care? so she didn't and just stared back until he broke it and went towards sera and took the ball from her and started talking and then they started doing some of their drills together 

the men's team were playing a match not disturbing jake or sera, Jae rolled her eyes and went away

in the first place, she didn't come here for him, she came to see sera getting her punishment, but not until now, 

now sera were enjoying it 

and what's so great about seeing sera enjoying?


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