chapter 19:potatoes

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"so students first we'll be going to the nearby fields which will take us at least 5 hours to go and come back so I hope you've taken your water bottles and maybe a small piece of chocolate, your class has 60 students so we'll divide you into 4 groups of 15 students each to reduce the chaos so please choose your partners and get divided properly," the headteacher of the first-year students said and they started getting divided properly

"Jae lets go" semi and minji interlocked their arms with hers on either side and pulled her with them

"9 boys with us ugh why" semi said while climbing the bus to go the fields 

"they aren't boys they are losers," Jae said and sat on the seat

"Jae breathes facts" minji from behind spoke and sat too

"they are petty losers and just good in dreams. Just good there," Jae said and remembered her dream 

semi scoffed and spoke "I dream of zombie apocalypses never does a hot guy come in my mind" 

"I dream of lizards falling on me and I die with the disgust of it" minji spoke and let out a fake cry

"well because that's what goes on in that nonsense brain of yours," Jae said and scoffed 

"who did you dream of Jae? as far as I remember you said jake and prince jaeyun who the fuck is that," semi said joining Jae with minji

"It was just a dream don't mind me-"

"BITCH WE WERE YOUR SERVANTS! HOW WOULD WE NOT MIND?!" minji suddenly whisper yelled

"you were still my best friend so shut it," Jae said and the bus started moving

"I wanna throw you under the bus," semi said and scoffed

"and depending on my injury I would be fixed thanks to my parents and their friends who are doctors more specifically surgeons," she said and laughed

"ok google how to kill Jae?" minji said fed up to her phone

"Jae will die on her own one day so please don't worry about Jae" Jae replied in a robotic voice 

"please talk softly, we'll reach there in some time" the professor in charge of their team suddenly spoke and they climbed up to the top of the mountain 

"wow the fields look so pretty and the air is so fresh," semi said as they reached the fields where they will be exploring 

"it's fresh without the toxins," Jae said and sipped on her water

"We are going to meet some farmers who work in these fields and we'll be going to the potato field," the professor said and went away to get 

"thank god no disturbances," Jae said as they walking through the fields while the farmers were calmly explaining the process of how to remove the potatoes properly and that's exactly what they were going to do for the next 4 hours

"you don't mean jake do you?" minji said from beside her

"yes," Jae said fed up with the two

"but what was your dream about?" semi joined in

"UGH LEAVE ME ALONE YOU TWO, STOP TALKING ABOUT MY DREAM! ITS SOMETHING THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN SO STOP STRESSING ABOUT IT" Jae suddenly yelled but the others didn't bother looking at her, they weren't bothered by it they were too busy listening to the potato removal

"ok fine" semi said offended a bit

"let's just concentrate on the potato," Jae said and grabbed semi's hand feeling bad that she might have offended her friend

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