chapter 3:drill

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"fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck" Jae let out a string of curses as she tied the shoelace of her studs while hopping on one leg towards the field where everyone had already started their rounds and surprisingly for the first time she had overslept.

 she tied them and ran towards the team that was running behind the new coach.

"ja- COACH I'M HERE," Jae said hoping she would be excused for coming in late.

"oh great I have a buffet ready for you so enjoy that since you already enjoyed your sleep" he bitterly said

She knew she fucked up "Uhm I'm sorry this is the first time this has happened," 

 "Start with 60 rounds around the field I am going to be counting" 

"but we normally do 30-" 

"it's punishment so I doubled it, start right now and I want you to finish it not more than 5 minutes later than us," he said with his cold piercing voice 

Jake turned around to see the other "Why did y'all stop? Continue" he said to the team who were seeing the drama unfold before them. Meanwhile, Semi and Minji looked at their friend with sad eyes.

who wouldn't look at their best friend in sadness if they got such a bad punishment and mind it, the soccer field isn't small 

"I said go!" Jake yelled at Jae before resuming his warm-up rounds with the team.

With anger evident in her eyes due to the humiliation, she started running 60 rounds immediately. 'It was just ten minutes he could've just made me do 10 more rounds'. 60 rounds was no joke but to complete it within the time limit Jake set for her was. After Jae was done she saw him already start the instructions for the day, somehow still managed to hear most of the things he said.

"Great soccer players need many different skills and traits like game intelligence, mental toughness, physical fitness, technique, etc. To develop these it's important to practice developing these skills with your teammates. The drills which we will be doing should help you build your skills and techniques" he lectured. 

"The first drill is going to be the ball passing drill,  you might be well versed in playing football or you might not so we need to start from the basics for everyone, so grab your partner--" 

"Coach I am done!" Jae breathed heavily in between her words and joined the line.

"when someone is talking you shouldn't cut them off, don't you have basic manners?" sera poked in 

"Kwon sera as long as I remember I never spoke to you, when someone is talking to someone else it's bad to poke your nose in that's basic manners, don't you know?" Jae backfired 

"enough of the life lessons here, Kwon sera and Byun Jae the 2 of you will be partners throughout the drills" they just rolled their eyes at the coach

"A good passing game is essential to be a better player. If you can pass intelligently and accurately you can move the ball around the field while conserving energy. Meanwhile, the opposing team uses up their energy as they try to possess the ball. While good passing helps you control the speed of the game and helps you tire out your opponents,  one bad pass from anywhere on the field can blur out the line between victory and defeat. Passing is all about speed, technique, and accuracy and this is what we will work on now, no questions at all. Each pair will do this at least 30 rounds and if someone misses it everyone starts from the beginning of the respective round" Jake instructed while placing multiple cones on the field at a 5-meter gap.

he kicked the ball towards Oh aera the goalkeeper "come on you are my partner" he said in his ice-cold voice that sent shivers down the goalkeeper's spine 

"so in this soccer passing drills, players will pass the ball to each other on either side of two cones in a counter-clockwise direction or clockwise direction ok?" "YES JAKE" along that a tiny voice said yes coach, making Jae exclude from everyone

Jake blew the whistle and everyone started the drill in their pairs. Jake and Aera as the first pair showing them how it was done and all of them followed. Well except for the last pair; Sera and Jae started but because of a lack of communication, the moment Jae kicked the ball towards the Sera it went passed her outside the field.

"GREAT WE HAVE OUR FIRST CLOWNS," said jake that made everyone silent 

"It is an honour coach," Jae said sarcastically

This continued for a couple of times until Jake lost it.

"Do both of you not have a single idea of how much y'all are wasting everyone's time?! It's already 6 am. Communicate with one another and then do the drill, next time this happens you will face severe consequences!" He yelled losing all of his patience due to the two.

"Kwon Sera switch with Aera and if I see one more reckless mistake you're done" Jake huffed and walked towards Sera passing Jae and hearing her mumble.


"Oh yeah? I don't think that is the name I told you to call me" 

"try rethinking," jae said and went towards aera

With that the team's 1st hectic training with their new coach came to an end, The 12 were tired and stinky deciding to take a shower before going back to their classes.

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