*Chapter 32*

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*SHUT THE FUCK UP"the person who stole me said.(STOLE U 4 YO BEAUTY)

"no bitch let me out"i said to pissed to shout.

"I SAID SHUT THE FUCK UP"he shouted and came to my cell to slap me.with my instincts when I saw him come over I took my head back in and went to the corner curling my fists up.

"one last warning before I beat your nose in pretty face"he smirked walking away again.'that fucker isn't touching me or my friends.not under my watch'i thought walking around my cell thinking on how to escape.i was pretty slim so I could see if I could fit through the bars maybe.i stared at the gaps in the bars for a while before thinking again.'but i'll have to wait for night to come since the chap might be asleep'i mouthed to myself walking around again.fuck what if bill's worried, and tom and simone? fuck my life again.

"fuck me I hate this place"i sighed and sat on the rock solid bed.i heard footsteps coming to my cell again and looked trough the bars and saw that man.his face was covered like normal so that means he's ugly.

"the fuck do you want"i said at him pissed.

"heard you through the cameras you said "fuck me" so tats what I came here to do"he said opening the cell door.i turned my full body now and went with my instincts.i boxed him 2 times in the nose and kicked his dick inside out so he has no hoes now.as if he ever got some anyways.i jumped on him before running out of the cell while he was on the floor in pain.tears started streaming from my eyes as I got lost.

"FUCK SAKE"i screamed.i boxed the wall hard a few times making my knuckles bleed.i wiped them on my arms and ran around some more before finding a door.it was open but I didnt recognise where I was.i ran out of the door and just started running to look for a telephone box and to et away.it took about 15 minutes before I got to a place I recognised.it was the shopping mall where me and bill got stuck in the elevator.i ran inside and saw that it was 12:54pm from1 the big clock on the wall.i didnt care about the time since I had my surprise for bill at 8pm.i ran around the mall but people kept staring which made me uncomfortable but who gives a fuck?i cant walk home since I cant remember where to go and I dont even have my phone with me!holy fuck.i walked into a random store so I could ask an employee where there could be a phone.

"hi uhm excuse me but do you know where the nearest telephone box or telephone is?"i asked a girl.

"its on the 4th floor by McDonalds"she said to me smiling.

"thank you so much"i smiled clapping.she smiled back and I ran out of the store looking for stairs or an escalator but couldnt see none.just an elevator.

"fuck it I need bill"i said running over to it.i was nervous since I hadn't really been in an elevator at all since that incident.i pressed the button and waited for the elevator to come.once the doors opened to it I hesitated but went in and pressed floor 4.i sat down rocking myself back and forth while the elevator slowly went up.it went from 1...2.....3.....4.the doors opened again and I stood up running out to look for McDonalds.when I got there I looked around everywhere until I saw one.i ran up to it and went in,closing the door gently and aggressively dialling bill's number.


"hello?"bill said confused.

"bill?its bill yeah?"i said making sure I was right.

"oh my god yn your thank god your safe but where are you?"bill asked with a sigh of reliefe.

"im at the ________ mall can you come get me?i asked smiling.

"be there in a few stay at the McDonalds there.thats where I will meet you"he said hanging up.i sighed in relief as I knew he would come.gosh I love that boy.i went out of the booth and sat outside McDonalds waiting for bill impatiently.i got lots of looks from ugly ass boys and older men and lots of compliments and smirks to.it was very and I mean VERY awkward.after about 45 minutes I heard loud as fuck footsteps.i looked up to see a worried bill and a waddling tom.

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