*Chapter 9*

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the boys were going to get yn and bill and I was just quickly changing my shirt since there was a stain on it.i went out of my room and heard georg talking.

"bill you are getting fucked up like you are so fucking dead.tom is gonna fucking kill you..."was all I heard georg say.i quickly walked to the closet that was around the corner close to bills room.when I tell you I was shocked I mean I was fucking shocked.bill was half naked and yn was to and she had hickeys all over and her hair was messed up.holy fuck.did bill fucking like fuck her?oh my fucking god I was so mad at him.i saw he had a shy smile on his face before both him and yn started dying of laughter.what the fuck is going on.

"what on fucking earth is going on"i said with a stern look on my face.

"we had the best time of our lives in there"yn said laughing.

"why are you laughing"i asked.i kind of felt concerned for her since she was 13.now I dont know what was going on but I felt like I looked stupid.

"well he was fun to ride"yn said with a smile.what.WHAT.FUN TO RIDE?WHAT THE FUCK

"BILL WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU-"I was cut off by bill who was trying not to fall from laughing

"YOUR FACE IS PRICELESS"he said breaking down laughing.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU FU-"he cut me of again.

"correction 'played a prank' and just saying it wasn't my idea"he said looking at yn.

"so..he gave you those for a....prank..?"i questioned yn.

"yup and it was funny to"she said smiling.

"I-what-fuck you"i said laughing.it was funny but also wasn't at the same time.

"waittttt"i said stopping in my tracks.

"so all those moans were fake?how the fuck can you force a moan?"i asked laughing.

"yup and dont ask how I pulled this on many friends"yn laughed.georg,gustav and bill laughed with her but I was trying to process what just happened.

"but wait so are you guys dating then?"gustav asked after calming down.

"oh no we aren't dont worry"bill said.but since I was like right in front of him so I heard him mutter 'yet'.i smiled at him because he was slightly gaining confidence in like wanting to ask yn out.he literally talks about her the whole time even is she is around or not.a few hours passed and georg and gustav went home.i decided to go to my room because the other two were talking about emo's and all that boring shit(I LOVE EMO STYLE AND ITS NOT BORING SHIT)

the prank was so funny and everyone elses reactions were so funny.but anyways it was late so we decided we wanted to go to sleep.i gave her a pair of boxer shorts and a shirt and she changed first.i changed after and this time I decided to wear a shirt just so it doesn't be weird for her or me.

"uhm yn would you like to go to the wall side?"i asked her quickly grabbing a pen, my diary and a book light,placing it under my pillow quickly.

"uh sure if it suits you"she said getting to her side of the bed.i switched my light off and turned over to face her for a while.

"goodnight yn sleep well"i said smiling at her.

"goodnight bill and sleep good too"she smiled back blowing a kiss.i swear she is to cute for me.after about 15 minutes she fell asleep on her side of my bed.i took out my things and started writing in my diary.

Dear diary,
today was great but Im only going to write what was my favourite parts.so me and yn went to a coffee shop today and it was freezing so I was being a 'man' and I gave her my hoodie and she was so cute in it.well we were in matching outfits but she still looked so cute.then when we went home for a few hours tom came into my room to tell us we were going skating.it was fun but we thought we lost yn.oh and I forgot to write this but yn fell asleep on me!it was so cute!anyways,when we left the rink we went to mcdonalds which was my favourite place to eat.then we came home and we started playing truth or dare.i dared yn to kiss tom and he went redder then a tomato lol!after a while we invited georg and gustav over and played truth or dare again.and of course me and yn got the worst dares of them all.first I had to kiss yn's lips.now get this I was kind of happy since she was my first kiss but for a dare?stupid shit to be honest.weird to.but anyways yn told me to dare gustav to kiss whoever chanted for us to do it to kiss with gustav and that was georg.it was the funniest thing ever.after that we decided to go play some music.me and yn sang and georg,gustav and tim did their usual.after about an hour we stopped and played other games.we came back to truth or dare after a while and then gustav dared me and yn to do 11 minutes in heaven.a dare is a dare so we had to do it.yn was clausterphobic but I managed to calm her down.we pranked the 3 boys after she calmed down and it was too funny.butthe weird thing is that she told me to give her hickeys and like half undress and act as if we kind of like fucked.it was weird but fun.but now she has hickeys like everywhere and people will think we are dating which we aren't yet.well anyways now everyone is in bed and I think im the only one awake.im going to listen to toms advice for once and cuddle her.i dont know why I want to but I will.well im not tired but I will try to sleep now.i will update you tomorrow night!

(ps sorry for not writing for the past day or 2 I was busy)

Bill Kaulitz 4/9/2004

'finally thats finished I thought yn was going to wake up'i thought to myself.i put my book light,diary and pen under my bed and got lost in my thoughts for a second but felt a yn beside me.like snuggling into me.god it was cute even though she didnt notice it.i decided since it was about 1am that I should go to sleep since it was late.like really late.i turned on my side decided to risk it and cuddle yn.at this point im fucking tired and just want sleep so thats what I done.after about 5 minutes I fell asleep cuddling yn and surprisingly cuddling is really comfy!anyways.i fell asleep cuddling yn and wasn't bothered that whole night.

*Word count - 1135*

*Shorter chapter bc I didnt know what to put but bill is gaining confidence;)idk if yall want this but tea will happen soon bc thats how I would like the story to go!i will probs be working all night on these chapters but idgaf im in my story writing era (its fun writing stories bc I actually am doing smth w my 'creativity' my all my old teachers said I have lol*

2 Windows - Bill KaulitzOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora