★Chapter 5★

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it's so beautiful here how did bill find this place?he's so lucky he lives closer to the coffee shop.i managed to zone out and think about what will happen in the future and it looked like I was staring at bill.

"yn you there?"bill shook my shoulder.

"fuck oh yeah sorry bill"i laughed.

"what you gonna get because I'll get the same as you"bill said and smiled.

"ooh I might get the hot cocoa that seems nice"i said pointing to the picture of it.

"that's my favourite thing here!"bill said happily.

"I hope I like it"i said right as the waiter came.

"hello there would you guys like to order?"

"yes please"

"okay go ahead!"

"can I have 2 hot cocoa's and 2 donuts please"

"yes of course anything else?"

"no that's it"

"okay and you guys are a great couple you know that"the waiter said smiling. I just thought to myself 'couple? but we aren't dating? I would like to bit we aren't dating'.

"oh sorry sir we aren't dating quickly said and laughed.bill laughed to.the waiter walked away and me and bill burst out laughing.

"does it really look like we're dating"i said still laughing.

"I dont know but I hope not"bill said also laughing his head off.after about 10 minutes we were served with our stuff. to be honest it was amazing here.

"jeez this is amazing"i said swallowing a sip of cocoa.

"I know right"bill said as he finished his donut.

"but bloody hell this place is beautiful I love it!"I said happily.bill muttered something but I couldn't catch it.

"anyways you nearly finished?"bill asked me with a smile.

"yeah you?"I replied back to bill.

"yeah when we leave wanna go to my house?"bill asked before sipping the last of his cocoa.

"of course!"I said trying not to squeal.

"let's just hope tom don't barge in to my room be annoying"bill said with a laugh.i just laughed with him and we both finished our cocoa.we both stood up getting ready to leave.

"bill your ipod don't forget it"i said picking up his ipod and giving him it.

"thanks yn I would have got in big fuckin trouble if I left it here"bill said laughing.i laughed with him again before we started heading out.it was freezing outside.fucking baltic out.

"holy fuck that's cold"i said putting my hood up and my hands in my pockets. bill just laughed and nodded his head.

me and yn were having a small conversation in the coffee shop.she was saying so much stuff that she hated.half of the shit she hated I hated to.we must be soul mates!I heard one thing very clearly that yn said.

"but bloody hell this place is beautiful I love it!"yn said happily.she was smiling when she said it and I blurted out some shit very quietly.

"just like you pretty girl"i muttered while finishing my donut off.she just shrugged it off and i something else.

"anyways you nearly finished?"I asked her before sipping some more of my cocoa.

"yeah you"she replied to me with a smile.god that smile kills me it's so cute.

2 Windows - Bill KaulitzМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя