*Chapter 10*

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at around 9am I woke up tired as fuck since I was up a bit late in the night but I dont give 2 shits about that.i was still cuddling with yn.but I was on her side of the bed.i was to comfy to move and also didnt want to bother yn so I just stay lying down thinking.thinking about when.thinking about my future.and mostly if me and yn will be together.but I guess we have to wait and see.i wasn't disturbing her and just kept cuddling her just so she wont wake up.the time flew by and it was 09:55 already.i felt some movement in yn but I stayed silent and still.i think she was waking up but I wasn't sure.all I know is that she snuggled into me more which was the cutest thing ever seen.

it was around 10am when I woke up.there was a warm presence around me and I assumed it was the blanket so I snuggled into it more until I felt something raising and lowering.i forgot I was staying at bill's house for a while.fuck.did I just like cuddle him?holy fuck,did I cuddle him?shit I should wake up now.i opened my eyes and saw a bill staring at me.not in a bad way but I cant explain the stare.

"good morning bill"i said in a raspy morning voice.he smiled before saying anything.

"morning sleepyhead how did you sleep"he replied and asked with a smile and a raspy voice.jeez that was good sounding.

"better then I normally would your bed is so comfy"i said smiling at him.i realised properly that we cuddled all night.fuck.

"really?i thought I was"he said with a laugh.oh boy.

"wait did we cuddle all night"i said moving away from him a bit and sitting up.

"I dont know to be honest I woke up about an hour ago to us like this"he said also sitting up.

"oh boy"i sighed and laughed.

"was is not comfortable?was I not comfortable?"he said with a laugh.i laughed with him not knowing what to say.

"I dont know what to say to that because it will sound like I love you"i said laughing and stretching.

"you dont love me?but im your bestfriend I think"he said with an offended look.

"your my best best friend idiot and I only love you like that"i said with a slight smirk before laughing.

"your my favourite best best friend"he said with a smile putting out his arms for a hug.

"you must be happy boy today"i said hugging him back and smiling.

"well thats because my girl is here"he said happily.(HIS GIRL AS IN LIKE BFF YK)

"anyways something smells nice lets go downstairs"bill said getting up out of his bed pulling me with him.i had to hold up the shorts he gave me because they were to big.

"bill can I atleast have a different pair of shorts maybe with a drawstring because these are a bit to big"i said holding the shorts up on me.

"yeah take these"he said giving me a black pair of shorts.pretty much everything was black that he owned.

"your clothes are so colourful bill you know that"i said with a sassy voice.

"yeah?anyways im turning get changed"bill said turning around.

"danke bill"i said changing quickly.i just about finished when tom came barging into the room.i was tying the draw string on the shorts when tom said something.

"guys breakf-oh sorry guys"he said turning around.

"no its okay im just doing the drawstring"i said finishing tying it.i hate tying things because im bad at it.

"oh sorry anyways breakfast is ready and its pancakes"tom said answering bill before he got to ask.

"we'll be down in a few"bill said shooing tom out.

2 Windows - Bill KaulitzTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon