Chapter 45 (For My Sake)

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        It was the gloomiest day of everyone's lives. After seven hours of pure torture, Chuck went out of the operation room. His looked tired and grim, he plopped on the chair, exhausted.

        Alexander went to his father. "Dad? How is mom?" Chuck raised his thumbs, indicating she was fine. Alexander sighed with relief. "Is it a baby girl or a baby boy?" he asked eagerly now that he knew his mother was safe. He really wanted to have a baby brother or a baby sister, since the twins' had their own lives now, although they were on their way to the hospital now with everybody's necessities.

         Chuck cracked a smile which his son took after, disarming you from anything logic reason. "It's a baby boy. We named him Calvin Chuck Junior Monroe Morris." Alexander grinned, and hugged his dad.

        James approached them; he did not catch a wink of sleep either. "C-Can we see her now?" he looked so pale. When his best friend called him, he was still in the office doing his art work for a comic book. He instantaneously came to his friend's aid. They all went inside the hospital room to see Cassy.

        Cassy was tired. Dextrose connected to her, she looked so frail. It felt like a de ja vu to Chris Joseph. They were all just relieved to see her okay. Anne did not realize it, she actually held her breath from too much fretting. But now that she saw Cassandra alive and well, she relaxed. She went out of the room. She just could not stay in one place with those three, at least not now.

        "Besh?" Serra ran after her. She looked horrible, with her messy dyed blond hair all tangled up and in her pajamas. They stood in the hallway. Anne heaved a sigh. "Get away Serra. I don't want to talk to you right now."

        She winced when Anne called her by her name, and not by their pet name. She tried to approach Anastasia. "I'm sorry. I did not mean to hurt you." Tears sprung in her eyes.

        Anne spun around; anger and resentment coursing through her veins. "But you did! You betrayed me for some guy!" she said accusingly. Serra could not meet her gaze. She was too ashamed of herself. And then the two boys came out of nowhere. They were all silent, as if trying to feel each other's emotions.

        Anne glanced at Alexander. "Congratulation for your new baby brother, he looks just like you."

        Alexander nodded. Marco cleared his throat and tired to get closer to Anastasia. "Anna..."

       Anastasia raised her hand for silence. "Not now, if you'll ask for my forgiveness, I don't think I could forgive you all. At the moment I just hate the three of you." She said honestly. "But..." Marco felt helpless.

      Alexander touched his cousin's arm; he tried to find his voice. "A-Annie... whatever he did..." he said that pet name with such softness it pissed Anne. "If you can't forgive me, then fine. But give my cousin a chance, at least for my sake.'

      Anne frowned. She laughed hysterically; they all got worried, exchanging looks. She stopped; Anne looked at them with pure hatred in her eyes. "For your sake?" she scoffed. "Don't be so delusional Mister Morris!" she flipped her flaming red hair indignantly.

       "As for chances? I'm afraid you all burned that into crisp." She looked at each one of them. Alexander seemed to be the only one indifferent from her outburst; as if he could not really care less what she would say or do. She raised her chin defiantly. "I hate all of you! I never, never want to do with any of the three of you again! I'm done with you Monroe cousins to last me a lifetime!"

        It was like a death sentence, resounding in their ears. And with the last shred of dignity she had, she walked out of there like a lady, vowing to never ever look back again.

The End.

Rough draft: May 3, 2015.

Soft copy: June 3, 2015.


So what do you guys think? Are you crossed that she didn't choose anyone of your favorites? And who are by the way your favorite and why? Who do you want Annie to end up with? What would you want to see in the part 3? :) It's coming soon! ^^v

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