continuation of chapter 13

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   He frowned. One unique thing about Marco was that he was a sexy man without even trying, but he was such a naïve teenager boy. He doesn't even understand why she was behaving that way all of a sudden. He backed up and sighed. Women! They're so hard to understand. How he wished he had a dictionary to understand their language. He cleared his throat, "So what's up?"

   She frowned, honestly she also didn't know why she asked him to come tonight. "I-I want to make you suffer! That's all." She lamely lied, trying not to look him in the eye.

   He cracked a smile a bit, "Yeah. I'm used to that." They both giggled. Weird. He thought. They settled inside the café to heat themselves from the raging cold. He ordered two chocolate drinks for the both of them, he knew better now.

   Silence. For 30 minutes they watched the singers perform quietly as they waited for their order. After awhile it came. They didn't mind though. Café mon amour was the best coffee shop in town. It was worth the wait. She was about to drink, when Marco snatched it away from her, putting M&Ms inside her chocolate; "What the—?"

    He winked at her. "Masarap yan promise!" (That's delicious I promise!) He said earnestly. "At pag hindi?" (And if not?) she raised her eyebrows. He shrugged "You can kill me then." He joked. She smiled.

   After finishing her chocolate drink, at the last part of it was a remnant of melted M&Ms. He was right, it was weird but delicious. "I guess you'll live another day." She said. He smiled and then turned serious. "Anna tell me why did you want to talk to me tonight? Are you going to confess anything?" he was hoping that she will finally confess about what happened the last time here in the café, but she just frowned. "Confess about what?"

   He expected as much, he sighed. "Anastasia, do you want me?" he asked hopefully with a dead serious expression on his face. She on the other hand didn't know if she should laugh or not, he was too serious it was really getting weird.

    "Look Marco, don't delude yourself. It's just a dare." She took a sip from her chocolate drink. He winced from the bitter truth. Why does she have to be so brutally frank? He knew she was going to leave him someday. He just doesn't know how to be like Alexander for her to like him. All he could was be himself.

   How can you win the most popular girl in school who seems indifferent to all kinds of courtship? The kind of girl who has such a complex personality that most of the time, he feels like his breath is reeling from the whiplash of her persona; a pleasant combination of sweetness and bitterness, just the right amount to never get fed off. And suddenly he knew, at least he wished it would work. He smiled Marco got up. He would not go down without a fight. It was just not in the Monroe blood!

   He surprised her even more when he stole a kiss from her on the cheeks, whispering; "Listen to my heart Anna banana!" and before she could even react, he ran as fast as he could to the stage.

   It took full five minutes before she could move again, and when she did everyone was blown away by Marco's beautiful voice. Unknown to a lot of people, just like Anastasia, Marco hid an amazing voice; which was something he got from his aunt Cassy.

    "I was standing on the other side, watching you leaing-I-couldn't see you go." He opened his eyes and winked at the gaping Anastasia, still couldn't believe what she was witnessing. That dweeb can actually sing after all. Who would've thought?

   "Know that I was so sincere when I said that I need you hear because this is your home, naaah..." he touched his heart, like it was a silent promise. "You're the one, my everything. If you stay, you make me sing~"

   "I'll give you my life, I'll give you my heart, no nothing will ever come between us, ever come between us tonight, I'll show you the wa—aaay... oh, oh promise me that you'll stay."



Damn why is this darn kid soliciting weird stirrings from me?

"When you're with me I feel so alive... we can paint the town, but you're so far. So faaaar! But that couldn't even hold me down."



"...Just promise me you'll stay."



*Round of applause and whistling*



She breathed nervously as he came nearer. Oh no! Why am I feeling this way?

    "So do you like it?" he smiled. She rolled her eyes, grumbling an incoherent thing. He got worried "Did I do something again?" he innocently asked her.

   She sighed. No you didn't, you just really surprised me tonight you little numbskull. "Come on... take me home." She sounded tired. He grinned, "So you're actually allowing me to take you home?"

    She smirked "Well obviously because we're neighbors." He opened the door for her. He smacked his head as the moonlight captured his laughter, "Haha! Oh right." And for that moment, she tried to tear her eyes away from him and gulped that damn troublesome stirrings down.


    Café mon amour was only a block away from their house, so they decided to walk home. He tried making conversation to liven up the mood but it was only silence on her part with an occasional grunt or comment that he got from her. He did all the talking, and my was he a talker! Radio! She thought to herself.

    After awhile they finally arrived at Anastasia's doorsteps. They awkwardly stared at each other. He smiled, looking a bit like his old self "Even if you might not say it, I'm touched that you actually care about me too, so thanks Anna banana!"

    "Hmm. Okaaay! Whatever, bye!" she rushed to the door, trying to run away from her embarrassment. She was about to close the door, but then James—her father showed up. "Hey Marco!" he friendly greeted him in his pajamas. Marco gave her father the brightest smile he could muster, "Hi future-father-in-law!" he waved cheerfully.

   James was amused. "Good boy and you delivered our babygirl on time." He looked at the time and it was only 9PM. He approved.

   "Pa!" Anastasia was annoyed. First because her father seemed to be patronizing Marco, when she wanted him to scared that little brat away. Second she didn't want her pet name in their home be discovered by that idiot face.

   "It was a pleasure being with your daughter, tito." (Uncle-NOT his blood uncle okay?) He said. James seemed to like the kid for his daughter by the minute. "Sige goodnight..." (sige-okay) James was about to close the door, but then Marco forgot to say something and came back.

"Oh Bakit—?" (Oh why?)

    Marco spoke first, "I LOVE YOU ANNA BANANA!!!" he shouted shamelessly, even if he was in-front of her father. Anastasia covered her face in shame. James on the other hand only laugh at the kid's silliness. He really was his father's son; a CJ junior all through.

    "MARCO YOU IDIOT!!! GO HOME ALREADY!!!" Anastasia hissed, her cheeks blushing. "OHHH! She loves me too!!! Okay, goodnight babygirl! HAHAHA!" he teased.

   Anastasia's fist curled up in frustration, "MARCO SEO ARISENO MONROE!!!" she shouted angrily as Marco's laughter could be heard all over the neighborhood.

 AN: Isn't Marco cute? So what do you think of this chapter Crushers? Were you touched by this song? Please vote, comment and add! :) 

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