Chapter 15 (Don't be afraid to Fall In-love)

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AN: Do play the videos so that you could feel the songs even better ^^ Happy reading! btw this is a dedication to an awesome friend and commentator @MissyFlexy! Hope you mend your heart soon.

Anastasia hated occasions like this. She wasn't even going to buy a dress if it weren't for Serra, her best friend would not allow her to go looking shabby at that special night. So she literally dragged Annie to every store a week before the prom, to make sure she would look awesome. And finally after so many trial and errors, they found the perfect dress; the color was light pink in the top and a bit darker pink in the hem of the dress, it was very simple but elegant. It had no sleeves, a bit of sequence from the neckline and then another one in the waistline that accentuated her small waistline. And then she let her red flaming hair down into curls that made it more dramatic.

Finally it was prom day. Marco couldn't be happier with his girl-friend's arm around his. He proudly walked into the ballroom, with a puffed out chest. Everyone's eyes were glued to Anastasia Greene; she looked lovely as ever. But what made her even more beautiful was the touch of innocence and naivety she had. Everyone was all aware of her beauty, except herself.

"May I ask you to dance with me?" Marco said politely. She nodded; as if she had any choice. She was already dragged into this sordid affair, she might as well enjoy it. He whisked her away to the dance floor. The DJ started playing "Don't be afraid by Elliott Yamin.

"Don't be afraid to fall in-love, 'cause I don't believe in giving up, please give me a chance to earn your trust..." Marco grinned, he can relate to the song as he dance with Annie, he lip synch to it. "Anna banana, I don't know if you like me or if you've ever like me, all I know is that I like you since the day I met you." He cleared his throat nervously.

Anastasia blankly stared at him, "...cuz I know I can be everything that you need, don't be afraid to fall in-love." She always knew he had this unfazed crush for her ever since they were children but for her right now it felt like he was really becoming serious and it terrified her. "You know what I feel. Aren't you ashamed already that I always reject you? Ako na kase ang naawa sayo." (because I'm the one who feels pity for you)

Marco shook his head. "...don't ever say that it's just too much, 'cuz you never know I could be the one." He lovingly tucked a stray hair behind her ears. "There is no shame in finding someone attractive or good company. Even if they don't like you. There's still no shame. If you happen to be fond of someone, and they're not fond of you, it's okay. You don't have to wait and see if they'll love you back. You can announce it. Joy in life comes from expressing yourself and in taking risks and jumping in. Everyone is not going to like you, but you can like who you like." He tried memorizing that from a photo he saw from Instagram, suddenly he felt drained at his speech. Marco revealed a very vulnerable part of him that night. How he wish she could open just a bit of her heart for him. "Please stop seeing me only as your childhood friend. Can you do that for me?"

They were interrupted when their teacher announced to change partner, Serra became his while Annie was with Alexander; who looked dashing with his curly blond hair and piercing gray eyes. "Hi..." she said shyly. "Hi..." he exhaled heavily, suddenly nervous.

The two looked so awkward with each other. "...girl we're not all the same so baby don't be afraid to love" the way they looked at each other, it was so obvious to any onlookers how much chemistry they had. So much so that when one looks at them, it felt like their invading something private. Marco didn't like that one bit. He was jealous. "Why can't she look at me that way? Is my question to hard to answer?" he murmured.

Serra pitied him, "When a person can't answer you directly at your question, maybe the answer is too hard for them to admit or too painful for you to know." She tried to comfort him.

"You look beautiful, Annie." Alexander complemented. She always liked it when he called her by that nickname because he was the one who first dubbed her that. Her heart was fluttering with a fragile flight. "You too Alexander!" she tried to avoid eye contact or else she'll melt. She wish they could remain like this forever; safe in the cocoon of having a lame excuse to get the chance to be close to one another.

"Annie, about our talk last time..." he started. "Yes?" she looked at him with expectation. He sighed, "Please give up on liking me."

"What?" she was disappointed and confused. "Yeah, I like you too..." he murmured. "Really???" she felt revitalized as hope surged through her again.

"But that's just it. I've been thinking, and I think I finally know; I just like you. I don't like you the way you like me, nor can I see you as the girlfriend material type. To be honest, I just like you and that's it. But it's not enough to destroy my relationship with my cousin and my girlfriend. I don't want to hurt anybody. I like you but I love her. They are too important in my life to be sacrificed just because of you."

"Oh..." her throat constricted with unshed tears. This time he really broke her heart, she doubt it could ever be fixed. He wiped her tears away. "But we could still be friend, let's pretend nothing ever happened. Would you like that?" he offered. Thinking that he was giving her a good chance, he was gravely mistaken. It was like rubbing salt in her terrible wounds.

AN: I know how terrible of Alexander right? Do you guys hate him now? Tune in for the next chapter Crushers! :)

Vote, Comment and Add! You guys really inspire me to write :)

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