Chapter 12 (Shattered hearts)

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  • Dedicated to Dane Greenlove

   Marco finished buying three boxes of guylan and 3 boxes of chocolate kit-kat caramel for Anastasia. Serra really didn't want to tell him where she is, since she promised not to. Anastasia had a secret place where she didn't want anyone to find out where she goes to relieve her stress. Anastasia would surely skin her alive if she sees them in the small café—"Café mon amour" which was just a walking distance from her own house. This is where she works to sing her heart out, without anyone bothering her.

"Hey Marco! What are you doing here?" Alexander asked, surprised to see his cousin there too. He was with his girlfriend. "Hi Marco!" Bea smiled. Marco noticed she was wearing the design of his mother's; Luna Monroe's.

"Hi..." he smiled back to her and then faced his cousin, fixing his glossy red hair. "How do I look couz?"

Alexander frowned, "Like an idiot in-love." He grinned. Marco laughed, "Exactly what I'm going for. Well, let's watch my girl!" he clapped him by the shoulders, facing the stage as the spotlight focused on Anastasia.

Alexander's smile stops halfway when Marco mentioned the "My girl" thing but he put on a poker face again to hide his feelings. Besides, it was just a crush. "What is she doing there?" he was genuinely surprised seeing her onstage.

He shrugged. Before they could talk on further, everybody's attention was captured by the most enchanting voice they've ever heard. Anastasia's flaming red hair all curled up like a Barbie doll. She had a pink lipstick on that made her look so innocent, especially when she wore a ruffle pink dress. She was at first uncomfortable sitting on a stool, but as soon as she sang, with her eyes closed, everyone could hear her thoughts through her song.

"I look at you, you look at me. I look away, so you can't see I'm dreamin' of you and you don't even know, you don't even know." Marco grinned, glancing at his cousin proudly; who was captivated just like everybody else was.

"Alexander, I knew she had feeling for me too! Pakipot pa kase!" (She's just being hard to get) he glowed. But Alexander wasn't paying any attention; he was too mesmerized by her tonight.

"That I'm falling madly in-love with you and I wish that you were going crazy for me too." She held onto the microphone, singing fervently. "And I wish that you were going crazy for me too!" she thought of all the times how she desperately tried to tell him of her feelings but she couldn't. She was too shy to express what she felt. What if he didn't like her too, that's what she feared the most.

"And I sit alone in the darkest night, my heart is pounding and I wonder why... why am I invisible? Why can't you see? I'm in-love with you! Are you in-love with me?" she touched her audience with the sincerity of her voice.

"You show sometimes but I'm not sure. It's a secret love and you're the cure. I just need to know what you think about me, about me..." Alexander felt guilty. He liked her too, but he just couldn't tell her because he didn't want anybody else getting hurt just because he had a crush on her too. Plus, he didn't want her to hope too much from him.

"...and you don't think that maybe you and me? Could be a possibility? I just wish that baby you could see! That I'm falling madly in-love with you. Are you in-love with me too?" She finally arrived back to earth. She was scanning the crowd when she saw Alexander amongst them. Anastasia felt like her heart jumped out from her throat.

The moment she finished singing, the crowd broke into a huge round of applause. They loved her. Alexander and Anastasia gazes met; have you ever felt like when the person you care about is in the same room with you, you don't have to see them because you can already feel their presence touching you? That's the way they felt. She felt herself blushing, looking like a tomato. Marco clapped the loudest, oblivious to what is happening around him. He felt like was in 7th heaven with his happiness for her. She finally faced her gifts and she was beautiful.

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