Chapter 17 (Unwelcome Guest)

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"Kuya Chad asan punta mo?" (where are you going?) Anastasia asked her older brother. He looked like he was going on a date. Hmmm who could it be? She wondered. He fixed his black hair, "Wala na yun sayo, kiddo." (It's none of your business, kiddo) he ruffled her hair affectionately.

She pouted, "Kuya dala ka ng pagkain mamaya ha?" (Please bring some food later when you get home?) she clung onto his clothes. He eased away from her grip, fixed his clothes. "At bakit ko naman gagawin yun aber?" (and why would I do that?) his eyes contained with mischief.

Anastasia laid her head on the pillow, "Cause I'm depress!" she sighed. He thought about it for awhile, observing his sister's disheveled state. And then he nodded, "Okay!" he conceded and opened the door. He was surprised seeing Serra brought a lot of food in her arms.

"Whoa! Ang laki siguro ng mga problemo niyo noh?" (You guys must really have a huge problem right now huh?) the girls pathetically nodded. He shook his head, "Okay gotta go! I'm late for my date. Bye girls!"


He smiled sheepishly, a lopsided smile like his father. "Soon baby girl, soon." He left the house.

Serra slumped on the sofa. She was so depress she came to Anne's house only with her pajamas on, wearing a jacket over it. "Alam mo na?" (you know already?) she inquired. Anne nodded, "Of course! Because of that kid, Alexander's mad with me!"

"OMG he is?"


"What a bummer!"

"Tell me about it."

They both sighed.

After the prom, the next night, Anastasia came over to the Morris' residence to apologize to Marco because she felt really guilty for being so brutally frank with him only to learn from Alexander that his cousins (even Aries) came back to Paris in the morning. The worst part was that he blamed Anne for it. After that time on, he refused to talk to her.

For awhile Anne was so bummed out from Alexander's cold treatment, until one day she bumped into Bea. She was about to ignore her to avoid an awkward situation but Bea talked to her first. "Anne?"


"Umm by any chance do you know where Alex is?"

Anne frowned. Alex? He hates being called by that name. He believes that his name is too beautiful for decapitating into a crappy arse nickname like that. She shook her head. "Huh? Aren't you supposed to be the girlfriend? So you should know where he is." Bea sighed, "We broke up last week, so now his refusing to talk to me."

"Really?" her voice sounded a bit too enthusiastic, "I mean really?" she pretended she was sad for her.

"Yeah so if you ever find him, please tell me ha?"

"Yeah sure!" Not. She thought at the back of her mind.

"Thanks! You're a sweetie!"

No I'm not. I so hate you because he likes you. She held her tongue.

"Okay bye!"

She waves back. Byeee! I'm still so not going to tell you where he is, if I ever find out. She laughed evilly in her head. Gosh I'm so mean. Whatever. After that, she headed straight to Alexander's house.

The perks of being a childhood friend to your childhood crush's family is that she can find out where Alexander is through his own parents. Cassandra told her that Chuck made him go to military camp for the summer. After that, she asked permission from her parents if she could go a province in America where Alexander's military camp was, reasoning that she would go to Theater summer class school. They only allowed her to go, Chuck and James made an arrangement that Chad had to accompany her and they had to stay with Chuck's parents in New York.

The students were marching forward with a serious look on their faces, but the marching abruptly stop when the teenagers to distracted. Alexander was in the third row. He wondered what was happening so he pushed his way through the crowd to see what was the commotion about.

He held his breath; his gray eyes grew large in surprise when he saw Anne having a chat with their commander. He was even more shock at how beautiful she looked with her flaming red hair loose around her waist, wearing a pretty peach coral dress that had laces at the end of it. So she was the distraction, the most beautiful distraction. And for some reason he couldn't understand, he didn't like how the guys were ogling at her. He suddenly felt over-protective towards her.

Alexander marched towards them. He took off his military jacket that was too big for Anastasia and draped it over her. She stifled a surprise. The commander had an amused expression in his face, "So... he is your husband, Miss Anastasia?" he asked the girl. Alexander was so flabbergasted he almost fainted from a mini-heart attack. What the hell?!

Anastasia nodded without a thought, "Yes sir!" she then inserted her arms around his, like it was the most normal thing to do. "You forgot your ring honey." She cooed with oozing sweetness, she handed him the silver band.

He looked at it dumbfounded. "What the heck are you talking about!?" Alexander hissed. "Hey Morris! I don't like the tone of your voice towards your wife, now put the damn ring on." Their commander ordered.

"B-But she's lying sir!" Alexander protested. "Just wear the damn ring or I will make you do 50 push-ups!" the Commander threatened. He helplessly looked at Anastasia. The guys smirked at him. It was so embarrassing. On the other hand, Anastasia was having the time of her life while she put his ring on.

The night was fast approaching. Alexander cleared his throat, "Honey..." he said it with a strained voice, "I think you need to go home already. It's getting late." He tried to pry her hands away from him, but she only snuggled closer to him. She could practically feel his muscles on his chest and his biceps on his arms. Oh my gosh! This is heaven! She was having so much fun.

"Oh too bad. If only it was easy to travel back to our NYC flat, if not my condition." She batted her eyelashes towards the commander with her full time charm on. And like a fool, he was enchanted by her. "What do you mean Mrs. Morris?"

"Yeah, what do you mean hunny bunny?" Alexander tried his best to control his annoyance, "You came here just fine..." but he was cut off by her. "Oh honeeyyy! I came here to tell you the good news! I'm pregnant!"


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Credits to: @sarajbat


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