Chapter 39 (STUNNING)

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        "Okay what's our itinerary today before we head back to Kuwait?" Anastasia asked him while having their breakfast at the balcony.

        "Hmmm... itinerary." He chewed his food slowly, remembering how he learned that word. He picked a piece of bacon; taste like a piece of heaven on meat galore. "Let's go air gliding!"


        "I will kill you MARCO SEO ARISENO MONROE!!!" Anastasia screamed from panic and out most fear. She was strapped into a huge like kite that was big enough for a human and then it was connected to the car; so when the car starts, it would pick up some air, fueling the glide to move.

         Marco on the other hand rode on the car as he cajoled her. "You're doing fine Anna Banana!" and before she could protest, the car revved up to life as she was blown away into the air. Anne screamed her head off. She had a new resolution; to fry Marco alive, if she made it out alive.

         The wind whirred past her face. She felt like a huge bird or better yet now she knows what Maleficent felt like when she was flying with her wings. Wouldn't it be magnificent to actually acquire one? Wishful thinking. She closed her eyes, forgetting all her troubles for a moment. And then later on, her fears finally evaporated into the air as well, forgetting her troubles for a moment. She now only felt joy.



         "Oh no! Mister the car ran out of fuel." The driver announced, worry etched on his dark face. "And then?" Marco did not quite get the implication of it, he was too happy seeing her smile because of him.

        The driver sighed, willing the Gods to give him patience at this idiot.

And then the car stops, and then Miss Pretty there..." he pointed Anne. "Will die!" he announced dramatically.

        Marco went berserk. "ANNAAAAAAAA!!!" he started screaming like a lunatic. The driver bit his lips, he should not have exaggerated. Poor boy, the girl will survive if she lands on a soft cushion or a trampoline since he has already called for help. But he did not move, it was amusing seeing the boy make a fool out of himself.

       "Yessss?" Anne opened here eyes. "YOU GOT TO PEDDLE YOUR LEGS, SO WHEN YOU LAND, I CAN CATCH YOU AND BREAK YOU'RE LANDING!" he was now sweating cold from fear.

          "I have to what!?" Anne opened her eyes, she was hysterical. "! I will really skin you alive Marco!!!" she threatened loudly. Meanwhile the crew down below were frantic, assembling the huge trampoline to break her landing.

        "START PEDDLING YOUR LEGS ANNA!!!" Marco screamed at the top of his lungs. He didn't care if she would kill him, as long as she would make it out. She listened to his instructions; she started paddling like a mad woman for the sake of her life. On the side of the road, she saw Alexander and Bea finally arriving on the scene.

         She was mortified, seeing their concerned expression. Curious, they were human after all. Never mind that, she needed to stay focus, redoubling her efforts. Finally she landed roughly on the ground, with full speed ahead; she rammed herself into Marco's wide open arms. They landed on the soft and huge trampoline.

        Anastasia's huge kite wings covered them underneath its blanket. She was still on top of him. They looked into each other's eyes; they could feel their hearts' beating rapidly underneath their fingertips. They both turned crimson red as they felt the heat rising form their bodies. The sunlight did not help either for him to resist her beautiful charm as it played with Anastasia's fiery red hair.

        "You're so stunning." He murmured with desire. He tucked a stray hair behind her ears, gliding his fingertips on her face. He smelled so good. "My Anna... my sweet Anna, are you even human? Why do you always hold me captive?" he uttered softly. His voice tingled with her senses. She could not breathe right; he was never like this before.

        It was then the crew decided to interrupt their moment. They drew back the huge blanket from them. "Are you alright? Please Ma'am and sir, let us escort you to the medics for a check up." The man with the uniform outstretched his hand to help them up.

         We were alright before you entered. Tsk! Marco fumed. But suddenly, Anastasia surprised him; she traced his eyebrows slowly, as if teasing him. Oh God! This woman doesn't know what she is doing to me! He groaned inwardly.

       "Stop fuming my little troublemaker. You look funny." She giggled, with mirth in her hazel eyes. Then embarrassed for calling him with "my", she went off to be checked by the medics.

       Marco blushed like a tomato. My little troublemaker? Well that's new. But he cherished that in his mind, it was a progress. She called me "my". He smiled goofily.


Did you think that Marco really is funny? Whose funnier? His father or him? :D

Hmm do you think this little romance with Annie and Marco is for real? Vote and comment! :)

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