Chapter thirty nine

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I awoke to the gentle serenade of the crackling fireplace, its melodic symphony filling the air.

Ominis head found solace nestled against Sebastian's neck, his arms enveloping him with tender devotion.

Within Sebastian's loving embrace, I remained nestled upon his chest, his head tenderly caressing the top of mine.

Their synchronized breaths filled the room with an ethereal harmony, a heavenly chorus of deep affection.

For a timeless moment, I simply lay there, captivated by the tranquility that adorned their peaceful forms.

Yet, as I stealthily attempted to rise from the bed, Sebastian's magnetic pull drew me back into his comforting hold.

"Where are you off to, love?" he inquired softly, his morning voice a dulcet blend of raspy longing and husky whispers.

"Just to prepare a warm cup of tea," I replied, my voice a gentle flutter upon the air.

He sighed, imploring me to stay, his plea
laced with adoration. "Please, linger a while longer, having you in my arms is pure bliss."

"Alright," I murmured tenderly, leaning in to place a soft, delicate kiss upon his lips.

He embraced me tightly, and I inhaled the intoxicating fragrance that emanated from his being. As sleep tugged him back into it's sweet embrace, I cautiously managed to slip away from the warmth of our shared sanctuary, careful not to disturb their peaceful slumber.

In anticipation of my upcoming outing with the girls to search for the perfect prom dresses in Hogsmeade, I stepped into the kitchen to prepare a comforting cup of tea.

As I settled onto the couch, cradling the warm cup in my hands, two freshly awakened gentlemen entered the room. Their tousled hair and sleepy gazes showcased the beauty of vulnerability in their morning state, dressed only in their underwear.

"Good morning," I greeted them softly, my voice filled with a tenderness that matched the admiration in my eyes, captivated by their allure.

"Good morning, darling," Sebastian responded, leaning down to grace my forehead with a gentle kiss, his affectionate gesture filling my heart with warmth.

"Just so you know, there's tea waiting for you in the kitchen," I whispered gently, inviting them to partake in the soothing ritual.

"Thank you, darling" Ominis replied with a sweet smile upon his lips, appreciating the gesture of care and love.

They both swooped in, swiftly taking their place on either side of me, sandwiching me between their presence.

"I'm going to be gone for a while today, so don't dare do anything stupid," I playfully warned, my tone laced with an underlying tension.

"Ouch," Ominis exclaimed, shocked by my statement.

"No, not you. I was referring to Sebastian," I laughed, trying to diffuse the tension.

"Oh, that's actually quite understandable," Ominis chuckled in response.

"I'm sitting right here," Sebastian shot back sarcastically.

"Oh, I love you," I chuckled, planting a rushed kiss on his cheek, the urgency evident in my actions.

"Mhm," he murmured, rolling his eyes at me, yet I caught a glimpse of a hidden smile, concealed behind the facade.

"Very well, I must prepare myself so that Poppy and Natty won't have to wait for me," I declared, rising abruptly from the couch, a sense of urgency in my movements.

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