Chapter five

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Ominis pov:

I've always felt something deeper for Y/n than just friendship, but I know that her heart belongs to Sebastian, even though he hasn't always treated her well.
Yes, he's my best friend, but I care about
Y/n so much that I can't bear to see her get hurt.

I had given up on my feelings for her, knowing that she only saw me as a friend. But then, the night of party, everything changed.

Yes I know she kissed Sebastian, and it felt like a knife was twisting in my chest. I wanted to disappear forever, the pain was so intense.
As they kissed, Natty came over to me and asked how I was feeling.
I tried to convince her and myself that it was nothing, but deep down I knew that I was in agony.

"Do you have feelings for Y/n, Ominis?" she asked me.

I denied it, saying that it would be absurd since she clearly wanted Sebastian.
But Natty disagreed. She said that she could see how much I cared for Y/n, and that it was breaking my heart to know she was with someone else.

Natty was right, it did break my heart. Hearing her say that only made the pain worse. I knew deep down that my feelings for Y/n were stronger than I had ever admitted to myself. But what could I do? She was in love with Sebastian, and I didn't want to ruin our friendship by confessing my feelings. So I just smiled and nodded, pretending that everything was okay, even though inside I was falling apart.

After their kiss ended, Poppy walked over to them and I heard her say, "Well, that was about time." As I stood there, all I could feel was the crushing weight of knowing that the woman I loved had just kissed my best friend.
It was a moment that shattered my heart and left me feeling completely empty.

It felt like I was standing there, lost in my own thoughts for an eternity, until someone accidentally bumped into me and snapped me back to reality. I tried to compose myself and walked towards Y/n, Sebastian, and Poppy.

Sebastian was overjoyed, but my heart was shattered into a million pieces and I couldn't feel any joy for him. All I wanted was to die right there and then, to escape the pain.

Poppy asked me how I was, and I thought to myself, "Oh god, please don't let her see my pain." I couldn't handle another conversation about it, so I put on the biggest smile I could find within myself and said, "Yes, everything's great!"

Shortly after, Sebastian's owl came crashing in with a letter from the hospice where his sister Anne is staying. He panicked and said that he had to go, asking me if I could help Y/n to her bed. I nodded, and he disappeared.

All I wanted was to disappear, but I couldn't help myself when I heard Y/n. I called out to her and lifted her up, carrying her close to me. Her head rested against my neck, and I couldn't help but feel a deep sadness inside of me. I knew that I couldn't keep her close forever, and that thought tore me apart. All I wanted was to hold onto her forever, but I knew that it was impossible. The weight of the world felt heavy on my shoulders, and I couldn't help but feel like I was drowning.

I wish I could hold onto the memories of us, but every time I'm near her, my heart shatters into a million pieces. I just want to leave her in the past because she has caused me so much pain, but I can't seem to let her go. And now, here she is, drunk in my arms, reminding me of everything I will never have.

As I walked upstairs with her in my arms, she said hiccuping, "You're so handsome and such a gentleman, Ominis. How come you don't have a girlfriend?"

I stopped walking in shock, and asked if she needed some water. Her words stung like a knife in my heart. I knew that I couldn't have her, no matter how much I wanted to.

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