Chapter fourty one

411 11 3

Sebastian's pov.

The sound of rushing water filled the bathroom as I turned on the shower.
Stepping into the searing stream, the blistering water assaulted my skin, leaving trails of temporary relief mingled with fresh, stinging pain. I squeezed my eyes shut, desperately attempting to calm the storm brewing within, only to be greeted by the relentless onslaught of my own inner demons. Memories of past mistakes clawed at the edges of my mind, each one a piercing reminder of the pain I've inflicted, the lives I've shattered, and the weight of my own broken existence.

What the fuck is wrong with me? Why does my mind insist on descending into this hellish abyss every time I find myself in solitude? No matter how hard I try to escape, the suffocating embrace of emptiness and deafening silence relentlessly pull me back. They taunt me, reminding me of all the things I long to forget. It's a certainty that etches itself into my bones.

Oh, how I yearn to extinguish these tormenting thoughts, to drown them in a sea of oblivion. But they possess a vile resilience, like infernal demons clawing their way back to the surface. They refuse to be silenced, weaving their menacing tendrils into every fiber of my being. It's a cruel cycle, one where my attempts at liberation only fuel their insidious power, trapping me in a perpetual state of torment.

"Sebastian," a voice murmured, it's gentle tone interrupted by an insistent knock on the bathroom door, ripping me out of my turbulent thoughts.

"Yes?" I stammered, my voice trembling with nervous anticipation, as if caught unaware on the edge of a bed engrossed in my own thoughts.

In he strode, Ominis, clad in nothing but a towel wrapped tightly around his waist, exuding a magnetic presence.

"I thought I might join you after all," he spoke, his voice a low rasp filled with a simmering intensity, submerging himself in the scalding waves that enveloped our bodies.

The water cascaded sensually down his enticing muscular frame, tracing every seductive curve as if caressing his skin, causing it to glisten and shimmer in ethereal allure. With a slicked back curtain of silver hair, he ran his hand through the strands, adding an aura of untamed magnetism to his presence.

"What's on your mind?" he softly inquired, but my tongue failed to form coherent words.

"I can feel your gaze upon me," he admitted with nervous anticipation. But how could I resist? He stood as one of the most breathtaking visions my eyes had ever been privileged to behold.

With a gentle touch, I trailed my hand up and down his defined abs, my fingertips tracing tantalizing patterns along his V-line. The sound of his deepening breaths filled the air, each exhalation growing heavier with mounting tension.

In an impulsive act, I closed the distance between us, our lips hovering just millimeters apart, and the rhythm of his breath mingled with mine, igniting an electric charge that surged through the air. The tautness of the anticipation between us was palpable, a current that coursed and crackled with feverish desire.

Leaning in, our lips finally collided, igniting a symphony of fervor. The initial soft, gentle kisses only allowed our lips to graze each other, but soon it escalated into something far more profound. Longing intensified, passion blazed, a conflagration of intensity consuming us both.

My back slammed against the unyielding shower wall, his hands entangled fervently in my hair as mine wrapped around his neck, refusing to let go. Our tongues entwined, engaged in a rapturous dance, moving in tandem, an ecstatic fusion of fire and desire.

As our bodies molded together, heat and water swirling around us, the intensity reached its zenith. The shower wall provided the only stability in the chaotic embrace, my back keep colliding with it as our passion escalated.

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