Chapter thirty

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Ominis pov.

As soon as Anne told me that he had visited her, I felt a knot in my stomach. He had already threatened Y/n, and now he had invaded Anne's privacy while she was asleep. I knew I had to take action to protect them from my family, but I also had to wait for the right moment.

There was a palpable heaviness in the air as Anne spoke to me, her voice filled with confusion and concern.

"Who is Nathaniel?" she asked softly, unsure of what was happening.

I ached at the thought of the truth and how it would affect her. "He's my older brother," I told her quietly, already feeling the weight of the conversation.

Anne's face fell as she put the pieces together. "What could he possibly want from me?" she asked, her voice trembling.

I took a deep breath, my heart heavy with the knowledge of the potential harm Nathan could bring. "He appeared in Feldcroft last week, then at the Three Broomsticks a few nights ago, and then at our class today."

The gravity of the situation hung over us like a thick fog, I could sense her fear and uncertainty, and my heart broke at the thought that my brother's actions had caused her pain.

As I took a deep breath, steeling myself to reveal the painful truth of what my family had done to not just me, but others over the years, there was a heavy knock on the door.


My heart sank as the nurse entered, her presence a cruel reminder that our time together was limited. "Visiting hours are over," she announced, her voice stern and unyielding. "You all need to leave now."

My words caught in my throat, the opportunity to finally unburden myself stolen away. I could feel the weight of their worried eyes on me, silently pleading for answers that I could not give.

Tears prickled at the corner of my eyes, the injustice of the situation overwhelming me. Why did I have to bear this pain alone, with no chance to finally break free from the chains of my past?

As we left, the darkness inside me grew, knowing that the truth would have to wait for another day, another chance. But how many more chances would there be?

The silence on the way back to the Sallow house was deafening, each step echoing my growing anxiety and fear. The thought of what lay ahead for us weighed heavily on my soul, and I could sense the same trepidation in my companions.

As we entered the house, I felt a wave of guilt and sadness crashing over me, threatening to drown me in its depths. I had brought this danger upon the people I loved most, and the thought was tearing me apart.

Y/n and Sebastian sat down on the couch, but I could not bring myself to join them. Lost in my own thoughts, I stood alone in the hallway, feeling isolated and alone.

"I'm pretty exhausted. I think I'll head off to bed if it's okay with you guys," I said, my voice cracking with emotion.

Concern etched across his face, Sebastian came over to me, enfolding me in his embrace. "Of course, no problem. Are you alright?" he asked softly.
He walked over to me and hugged me from behind.
I felt a rush of warmth as his arms wrapped around my waist. I closed my eyes and savored every moment of his touch, hoping to remember it forever.

"I just need to sleep," I whispered softly.

"Let me help you," he said, leading me to the bedroom.

He carefully unbuttoned my shirt and pulled off my pants before wrapping me in the sheets. His hands were so soft and passionate as they moved over my body. He lay down beside me and drew me close into his arms and stroked away my hair that had fallen down onto my forehead.

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