Chapter fourty three

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The castle shimmered with mesmerizing decorations, a symphony of white and silver. Sparkling Christmas trees adorned every corner, casting a magical ambiance throughout the halls. Students hurried by, their faces etched with a mix of excitement and stress as they prepared for the grand night.

In the past, as I walked these hallways, I had grown accustomed to the watchful eyes that followed my every move. But today was different, everyone seemed immersed in their own tasks. A wave of relief washed over me, granting a brief respite from the usual scrutiny.

Drawing closer to the entrance of the Gryffindor common room, I paused to take a deep breath. The reassuring words echoed in my mind, "You got this. It's only for one night. You will be just fine."

Before I could even step foot inside, Natty's voice rang through the air, filled with excitement and joy. She rushed towards me, enveloping me in a tight and warm embrace.

"OH, Y/N!" she exclaimed, unable to contain her enthusiasm.

A mischievous smile played on Poppy's lips as she teasingly remarked, "I almost thought you would bail!"

Laughter bubbled forth from my lips as I replied, "I thought so too. And.. people are just going crazy out there," my gaze naturally drawn towards the door.

Natty's eyes gleamed with excitement as she chimed in, "What else do you expect? This is the night everyone has been eagerly anticipating."

"Alright," I chuckled, surrendering to the undeniable truth behind her words.

With a soft voice, Poppy suggested, "Well, let's get ready then." And with that, we embraced the anticipation and camaraderie of preparing for the night that lay ahead.

Sitting on the floor before the mirror, I found myself lost in a sea of thoughts, my mind drifting aimlessly.

With a gentle voice, sensing my struggle, Poppy suggested, "Maybe start with your hair?"

A smile spread across my face as I nodded in agreement.

"But I think you should leave it down," Natty chimed in. "It's so beautiful."

I murmured my thanks, the softness in my voice echoing my agreement.
With gentle hands, I curled my hair, allowing it to cascade down my back, framing my silhouette in an elegant manner.

Turning my attention to makeup, I contemplated the balance between subtlety and glamour. Ultimately, I opted for a light blush, eyeliner, mascara, and a bold red lipstick.

"This will do," I whispered to myself, admiring my reflection in the mirror.

Looking over at Poppy and Natty, I couldn't help but exclaim, "Oh, you're absolutely beautiful."

Poppy wore her hair in a classic bun, complemented by a soft lipstick and delicate makeup. Natty's eyes were adorned with ice-blue eyeshadow, accentuated by a daring black lipstick.

Poppy, displaying signs of nervousness, ventured, "How are you girls feeling?"

Laughing, I replied, "If you're asking if we want shots, the answer is yes!"

"I agree," Natty added, her voice filled with determination.

"Hand me the damn bottle." I laughed.

Poppy promptly handed me the whiskey, and with a cheery spirit, I began to gulp down the fiery liquid.

"Who's next?" I laughed, extending the bottle out.

Without hesitation, Poppy took it, quickly followed by Natty.

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