"what did she want?".

"I thought she was dead so I talked to her and asked some things. She told me that I need to kidnap you or whatever and give you to the russians. I said no and she then told me If I didn't she would kill me, I didn't believe her. she told me to be careful becuse you are Scar and Sophia Mills. anyways I didn't agree to help them kill you or whatever so she tried to kill me but failed and ran away"

"Fuck, Iam sorry. she shouldn't come to you, she is my problem and I'm dealing with it" I said, Grandma stood up and hugged me "no need to worry anymore, I'm here to help you"


Today is the day before the mafia ball and I woke up at 7 am. I mean what monster would do this to me, it was the monster of my youngest brother Luca.

all the cousins,Aunts,Uncles,Grandparents left 2 days ago but they will meet us at the ball. I went shopping with my aunts and grandmother, this time it wasn't that bad. becuse we went dress shopping.


We arrived at the dress shop and went looking. We all found some different dresses to try on. We decided to start with my aunt Avery, she tried every dress she picked out and we all told her what we were thinking.

We found the perfect one for her.

(A/N, I want to say how the dresses look but I know nothing about dress)

(A/N, I want to say how the dresses look but I know nothing about dress)

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↑Avery's dress↑

When she was done we did the same thing with Lucy, she tried only 2 dresses and we had some small arguments about which one she should have but we soon disced on one.

When she was done we did the same thing with Lucy, she tried only 2 dresses and we had some small arguments about which one she should have but we soon disced on one

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↑Lucy's dress↑

Then it was Avas turn, she had many to try like 10 or something so it took some time but we soon found the right one, even if grandma didn't like it. Grandma thought it was too simple but It was pretty on her so she got it.

 Grandma thought it was too simple but It was pretty on her so she got it

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↑Avas dress↑

Then it was grandma's turn, she already decided what dress she was going to wear. She took no comment even if they were nice ones, I thought it looked really good on her.

 She took no comment even if they were nice ones, I thought it looked really good on her

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↑Grandma/Layla's dress↑

Then it was my turn, I needed to dress one for Aurora and one for Scar but with them I only got the one for Aurora and the one for Scar I came back later to get.

I found the perfect dress for Aurora and Scar.

I found the perfect dress for Aurora and Scar

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↑Aurora's dress↑

↑Aurora's dress↑

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↑Scars dress↑

after that we went home and had a great time before they left


Sorry that it took so long to get the chapter out. It has just been hard to write and I Am not happy about this chapter so I will properly rewrite it some day. It can be a little bit confusing when I say a dress for Aurora and a dress for Scar but they are still the same person and it was Aurora's pov.

words: 1265


not rewrite




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