The dress

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I stormed off, Elio calling me an idiot was insensitive sure but what really upset me was how Dean looked at me. He looked at me like he didn't know me anymore, shock in his deep blue eyes and I didn't even consider that the shit head tied to the chair was my last chance at revenge on Davide. I wanted to make him pay for what he did when he had his goons take Dean. Dean was a broken man after and I know he hurt us both when he shot me. We may be able to have babies but with only one fallopian tube it may take longer and all the scar tissue poses a risk too. We haven't been using condoms for months but I know nothing has changed and the fear creeps into me more every day that I can't carry a baby for Dean!

I know Dean doesn't care, that's why he got us Prince and Lady; to be our babies. Only a human baby would still complete us.

I enter our room and throw myself onto our bed, I sob into the pillow as Dean enters. "Baby are you okay?" he asks hesitantly. Only I am not fragile and I am not sobbing because I am sad. I am sobbing from anger!

"Leave me alone Dean before I use your own gun and shoot your tongue out of your mouth" I said gritting my teeth. I then get up and walk towards him. I cant stop my feet moving as they carry me to Dean in a fury. I start thumping at Deans firm chest as the anger dissipates and the tears flow freely. Dean just stands there allowing me to hit him, why is he allowing me to hit him? I couldn't stop not until I finally did stop and I looked up at Dean through my sore dampened eyes. "I, I am sorry," I said in a squeak. letting a shaky sigh out.

He tucked my hair behind my ear and then wipes my eyes. "Baby it's okay to be angry, I know you didn't know who he was or why we needed him" he calmly said.

"No Dean I meant sorry for hitting you, you deserve more than me treating you like a punching bag" I said to him as my eyes welled up again only this time from sadness. I take some steps backwards to place distance between us. I didn't feel worthy of his closeness right now.

"Oh baby girl, I am here for you no matter what you need. Though I can think of better ways to work out frustration!" He practically growled as he neared closer.

"Dean honey, we need to talk about th-" I started but his hands were on my hips already and he was guiding me further back until my back felt the cold wall against my warm skin. Dean runs his hands up from my hips to my breasts. He squeezes them together and lets out a thick rumble from deep within.

"Honey, I, you, we can't just fuck when we don't agree!' I said before I lost all train of thought.

"Baby girl, you shot the geezer and he deserved it, I don't agree with the timing as yes we had more use for him yet! But I support your choices and I will stand by you. Besides I have other ideas on how to find Davide. So don't you worry my queen, we will get him!" He said, looking down at me.

My eyes now run streaks of black mascara again as I slowly let the tears roll down my cheeks. I need Davide to pay, I need him to never hurt Dean or me again. I clench my fists and let out a shaky sigh. "Promise" I ask with worry dripping from my saddened voice. I believed Dean and believed in him. If he has another way I have to trust it will work.

"Promise my queen" he said and before I could let out a breath of relief he was on my lips sucking it from me.

His left hand reached up and grasped my hair pulling my head to the side and he started to leave sloppy kisses all down my neck to my chest.

He released my hair and his hands both took a hold of my top between my breasts and he tore it open. My breasts spilled out with no material holding them back. I hadn't worn a bra and Dean's smirk as he looked up at my eyes with hunger had my core aching for his touch.

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