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Disclaimer, this chapter contains abuse, please read on with caution.


I woke up and Dean had left, it was already nearly 11am and half the day had gone. I must have slept in because I was so unwell, but I was glad that Dean had asked me not to work. There was no way I would have the energy. I dragged myself out of bed and washed my face.

I headed to the kitchen and saw a note, Dean said I didn't need to work today so my tummy filled with worry, how would I get much done with half the day gone and this low energy.

I opened the note with dread, only it read "Baby, good morning. I have ordered you some noodle soup to arrive for midday and will be back a bit early at 5pm to make some dinner. The Doctor will come after lunch. No baths without me there, please baby. I will miss you, Dean x".

I felt butterflies in my stomach but it was more like buzzing bees, he didn't write this to me as his maid, I held the note close and it smelled like him. I missed him already.

He may not love me back, but he isn't doing anything but help me fall deeper in love with him.

I then had some tea and watched junk TV after tucking my note away in an old shoe box.

I collected things, I would spray it with my miss Dior whenever I put something new in there. So far it only had 2 items, the earrings he bought me, that he had chosen, the matching necklace I had not since taken off. and now this note. I know he won't keep me as anything more but I also know he has given me some memories.

I have felt the most loved by him in a month than I ever had by my ex Charlie over years. I want to make him happy, I know it may not last but that's okay, I will hold these memories close to my heart.

The noodle soup came and it was perfect. I also took some painkillers and enjoyed a hot tea with it. Then there was a knock at the door, and I figured it must be the Doctor only, I found Danny waiting as I opened the door.

I didn't know what to say, I was upset she had said that I was just a sex slave to Dean and while Dean assured me that she was lying, I was still unsure. Was Danny really so wrong when to Dean it would never be love, a man like that wanting a girl like me. I am so simple, I am poor and I am used to being alone, I have never known anything but pain.

I let Danny in from the rain and made us a cuppa. We sat down with our tea and some rich tea biscuits.

"I will warn you, I look horrendous because I am ill, so you may want to keep it brief so as to not catch it" I said. Danny nodded and said "that's fine sweetie, I'm surprised that you even let me in.

"I sighed and told her "I don't hold grudges Danny, I am sad you thought so little of me, but I am not convinced that you were wrong."

Danny looked deep in thought before she said "So he didn't tell you!"

I shrugged and replied "he told me Julia was gay, but that doesn't mean much. He would never want me, so maybe he was just having some fun."

I finished my tea and put the cup in the sink, as I turned around Danny hugged me, "I am so sorry I said what I did, please don't believe my words. You're worth more than you know". I hugged her back and said it was fine, I knew she was just defending her cousin.

She looked at me sad "but I wanted to be mates, and I really didn't have your back. I should have at least asked Dean or you about it" I nodded that it would have been nice to talk about it. "What's done is done? '' I said and she gave me a soft smile.

Just as Danny was finishing her tea the door knocked, I had assumed it was the Doctor but instead it was a delivery. "Oh my gosh" I squealed. It was a big bag of H&M stuff.

Danny pulled the bag from my arms "Ooh what did you order" she cooed. I shrugged my arms then explained that I didn't, she shrugged "Dean, he must have wanted to buy you stuff" I blushed and shook my head.

"He shouldn't, I will get paid soon". Danny giggled "I don't think that matters to him, when he wants to treat you, he will" I rolled my eyes but then we opened the package and saw all the lovely things he had gotten me. I held up a cream lounge set, it was soft and felt amazing.

I sighed and Danny asked what was wrong. I explained he told me not to bathe because last time I fell asleep. Danny took my hand and led me to my room. She ran me a bath and I asked her "why are you running a bath".

She turned to me and said "I know how icky it feels to be ill and need a soak, to not be able to. So I will stay with you." Danny stayed with me and read some funny stories about celebrities from a gossip magazine to me. Once I got out she brushed and plaited my hair and painted my nails. I admit I felt much fresher, I hope we can now be friends.

Danny left after she put my new clothes away and washed some dishes, I told her not to but she insisted that she wanted to help, as my friend. I read the magazine she left behind and drank another tea. The door knocked and I was sure that it would be the Doctor, it was almost 4pm and not long until Dean was home either. I opened the Door but gasped when I saw who it was. It wasn't the Doctor, It was my worst nightmare "Uhm, Deans uh he's not here, you can find him in his office" I said as the monster took a step closer. Then everything went black.

I opened my eyes and I was in a dark room, a stone floor that was wet and damp. I could hear the dripping from the rain, hitting a puddle where there was a leak. My hands are tied to a pipe, with Barbed wire. My wrists were wet, but even in the dark I realized it was from blood.

My eyes started to let tears fall uncontrollably, my head was throbbing and that's when I heard the monster's voice from across the room "Oh look, it's awake. Now the fun can begin" I shook at his words.

"No Davide, please let me go." He laughed and walked close to me. He squeezed my thigh so hard I felt it bruising.

"Don't touch me" I cried and again he laughed "Don't worry I dont like my brother's sloppy seconds" He continued to laugh.

Then I felt a hard belt of solid mass hitting my stomach, I heard the sound before the pain came. He had kicked me in my stomach and the pain was awful. It was only now I felt that Charlie was gentle to me when beating me, this was another level and then again he kicked me, I heard a bone crack and the pain washed over me, until everything went black again.

Shit, Davide is back, what is he after. why would he take Caris.

And will Dean ever get to admit his love to Caris. Or will he be too late?

comments, votes and reads appreciated.

Please remember this is a work of fiction, no Caris' were harmed in the writing of this chapter.

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