Broken promises

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I looked into the mirror just staring at my face, I hadn't been sleeping well since we had moved to this place. Italy is hot and while I have a golden tan I also have some fine lines popping up, whether that's from the sun or stress I honestly haven't the foggiest. I stare at the bags under my eyes, the dark patches that are sunken in and putrid to look at. I take a deep sigh and find myself rubbing my right arm with my left hand. I had to learn to comfort myself.

I hated what I saw in the mirror, I had lost some weight too but not in a flattering way. I mean it had only been a little over three weeks so I doubt most people would notice, but I do! My Jeans have gotten a little loose and my bra is not fitting right either.

I started to brush my hair. My blond hair had become dry and like straw. I mean this heat was not so kind to my hair. I needed a new conditioner, new clothes but I don't have a job here. Dean fired me after we decided to be together and I was looking for jobs near our home in London. I wanted to search here too but Dean has told me he forbids it. I hate that he has this sense to control my actions more here, he says it's to keep me safe as there are more enemies here but I am so tired of being told no when I am a grown ass woman.

Perhaps I can talk to him about this at dinner, I need him to understand that I can't and won't be caged. Only he treats me like a porcelain doll, like I am made of glass even and I simply reject that. I know my worth, I had not always but Dean's love showed me I was worth more, and I won't forget that. Even if he has forgotten my worth!

I need to calm down, I get so angry thinking about how little Dean cares to spend time with me or how little he now values me. I know it's only been three weeks but already he has become a stranger to me.

I hate that my heartbeat now speeds up at the thought of him, but not because I am happy or excited or giddy in love. It speeds up because of my anger and I grow sweaty and I just can't live this way anymore. We are supposed to be a team!

I finished off my makeup and added my lippy, just a simple rose shade to make my lips appear plumper but not too out there. Some brown mascara and some bronzer, now I am sunkissed. The bronzer looks better than just some blush. I slipped into a little body con black dress and silver heels with a black clutch that was coated in some diamonds. Dean bought me the bag and shoes on our 2nd day here, we spent the day in Rome taking in the sights and shopping.

Finally I made my way down to the Kitchen, I had some time left before Sean would return to our room. I fancied a coffee. I admit the coffee Marian makes is beyond better than mine. They don't use the instant here, I miss how easy it was to make a brew but their espresso is elite. I do need to get better at making them though, I will need to ask Marian tomorrow for her secrets.

I sat at the breakfast bar enjoying the cool breeze from the patio, the smell of fresh ground coffee and a silence that rang peacefully in my ears. That's when I heard it!



Not one gun shot echoed but two and when the first one fired I dropped the mug onto the counter as it smashed into 3 large pieces, spilling its insides and wasting the beautiful brown liquid. Then the second went off before I could let out a shaky breath, I had never really been around guns, living in England had sheltered me from such things.

I stood up on my numb legs that were chattering together at the knees, I turned to look outside to where I thought the noise came from.

My eyebrows drew together when I saw two men with a gun in their hands marching across the courtyard towards the patio. My heart was thumping into my ears. I forgot about the mug and jumped up to shut the patio doors, I could hear a low evil chuckle carried by the wind. Obviously at the fact they can just shoot at glass and closing this door has me no more protected than having had left it open.

I silently tutted my stupidity before spinning on my heels to turn and run down the hall to the foyer, the main door has an alarm alert system that I could set off.

Yet again I heard the heart shattering, deafening noise.




And ofcourse on the third shot I heard the glass shattering with it. I got to the door and pressed the alarm. I felt warm tears fall down my cheeks as I grabbed my head and held my ears curling up into a ball on the floor.

Why was Dean not back, where were all his men and who were these arseholes!

Footsteps drew closer and even with my breaths laboured and my hands covering my ears I heard the stomp, stomp, stomp!

I slowly lifted my head from behind my knees to look up, I saw two blond men smiling down at me with a sinister glare!

"Look Viktor, it's his whore!" one said sardonically to the other

"Stupid slut set the alarms, she can't know too much about what her naughty fiance has been up to. No matter, let's take her and spoil her for him, " the other said, with malice. I assume him to be Viktor before spitting to the ground in front of me.

"I want a turn, once I am done this bitch will never  find a sorento man satisfying again, and her fiance will never look at her the same either!" the man said while his beady eyes raked over my body. I felt exposed and vulnerable, I started to recoil further back as thoughts flooded my brain of him, and that celler and what he did to me.

Tears fell clouding my vision and before I could wipe my eyes on the back of my hand, smearing my brown mascara further I blinked up to see Elio and four other men looking over Viktor and his buddy as they lay bleeding on the floor. I blink a few times to realize that Elio and his men had knocked them out cold!

"Tie these Stronzi up in the wine celler, I will find out where Dean is!" Elio spat through gritted teeth.

I suddenly grasped what he had said! "What do you mean find Dean, he should be here" I whimpered.

"Does it look like hes fucking here, look around little girl!" He said with an annoyed tone before rolling his eyes and walking off!

"Wait!" I shouted

"Elio, please" I pleaded after him with eyes full of tears as I crawled across the blooded floors begging to know where my Dean was or what happened.

Elio sighed, waving his hands off to his men to continue taking his prisoners to the wine cellar. Elio walked up to me and stretched out his arm, to which I accepted his hand up.

"Listen Caris, this is a Dark world, Dean knew what he signed up for but I fear you're not capable of handling this new reality. He was planning a mission and it went wrong. The Bratva have him and the best we can hope is that he's alive and not in Russian territory" He shook his head disappointedly before walking off toward the cellar.

"Wait, the Russian Mafia has him, you have to do something, please Elio" I plead in desperation.

Elio's eyes widened in disbelief before he rubbed his temporals and said "That is exactly what I am doing, obviously I will do all in my power for my Son and my heir.

"Listen Caris, I was happy my Son met you and found love, but you need to decide if you can handle this as it won't be the last time the Bratva threatens our family!"

"Oh and get cleaned up, you look like a cheap gutter whore. My son's betrothed should look like a lady, at all times!" He said before exiting the foyer.

I looked down at my hands coated in red, the blood already drying to my skin. The smell only reminding me of what they planned to do to me, I sighed before heading to mine and Deans room to wash up, only the knowledge alone that he won't come to bed at any time tonight broke my heart and signaled for warm salty tears to make their way down my cheeks silently.

I had not known a fear like this, living without Dean would hardly be living at all!

Thank you for reading, the drama is back lol...

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