Jelly Babies and Wine Gums

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I enjoyed lunch with Timothy and his family, we went bowling then had lunch at the park. Timothy's wife Sandy was lovely, they had been together almost five years, married for two. TJ was four. He was a surprise, but Sandy has always said that she would not change him for the world, and was grateful to share her wedding day with both her man and her son.

 I adored him. Which surprised Timothy. I hate kids, all kids and have no interest in having any. 

It would be cruel to raise a child in this heartless world, and in a loveless marriage. I can not love. I have never really loved and I doubt I ever will. 

I am destined for warm nights, plentiful with women, but I know unlike Timothy that a wife to come home to just isn't in my cards.

TJ has a special place in my heart, that won't change. 

Timothy had been my best mate since school, and has had my back everyday since. His son means the world to him, and I have had his back too.

 After lunch I popped into work, Saturdays are busy and all my best employees were busy with clients. 

I left some pizza takeaway menus and a £100 gift card, so they could all order out some pizza bundle to share.

 I then went by the office, and mother called my mobile, she hadn't been home to london in almost a year. Mother and Father had a strange relationship. 

They each loved the other like no other, but did not share any morals and would fight a lot. 

Mum actually raised Davide here in England with me, until Davide was eleven and he chose to be with Father. 

The psychopath actually wanted to take over for Father. Then after I turned twenty one  Mother and Father got back together after what must have been their 6th split. 

They are going strong and now mother flies between Italy and England. She was telling me that she planned to visit next month, and asked me what treats I wanted her to bring. I actually thought about Caris instantly, asking for some sweet items.

 My mother giggled "you don't like sweets, who is she?" I sniggered and just told her that I would see her next month. 

It's completely normal to want your mother to bring your maid treats back from Italy, she is just reading far too much into it.

 I decided to actually pick up some sweets on the way home. Caris has been trying so hard, and I have been so hard on her. I didn't know what she liked so I got jelly babies and wine gums. 

I was excited to smell jacket potatoes, one of my favourites!

 I asked Caris and she blushed crimson, I love when she blushes, she needs more confidence.  

I then went to get changed out of my suit, only to see that my room had been cleaned.

 I was furious because I specifically said to Caris to just put the dry cleaning away. 

So I stormed over to her, shouting at her, I was angry she didnt listen, didnt respect my privacy, fuck I was angry she must have seen the condoms. 

I wanted to make sure those were thrown away. I hoped to bin them after work! 

I saw the sadness flash in front of her eyes again, but then she slapped my hand away, from where it was pointing in her face.

 Fuck I liked it when she got feisty, so when she quipped back saying I dont clean my room and I asked why, she revealed that there were three condoms. 

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