My time and my angel

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I had lost count of how many days it had been, maybe two maybe five but I can't know for sure. My muscles feel weak as I lay on this wooden dirt ridden dark and vile floor. It smelled like burned wood, ash and soot. I had to assume it was some kind of wooden cabin that had long been forgotten and since neglected. 

I would try to sleep but the rats would wake me by biting into my exposed ankles. The bites would hurt and feel as though they were burning through my flesh. At first I had enough strength and energy to kick them away but soon as time had gone on I became too weak! 

Now I lay here unable to lift my body, unable to roll over and unable to open my eyes let alone fight off rodents.

I really have no faith in myself being able to fight off Marcus in this state. This has at least bought my father time to find me. I know he has to be looking, Caris would not have sat silently to him ignoring my disappearance.

I could hear them scuttering around and they had certainly tried to bite me more. I was all too aware of this pain, only too weak to end it. 

My mind was as numb as my body and as weak as the rest of me. I had not seen Marcus or his shadow of a brother Malcolm since he had agreed to a fair fight! 

Pftt! Fair fight my arse! They left me to starve and weaken in this pit so that they would have an easy win not a fair fight. I never would have made them in if it were up to me. Only they were Davide's soldiers and most likely he enjoyed that they were low pitiful men who would fulfill his commands no matter the depth they had to go.

I had lost my will to get through this, I had not licked the dirty floor since my last sleep. I wanted to live, to survive, to get back to my girl. Only I fear it is too late, if they caught me how do I know they hadn't already captured Caris and how do I know she isn't suffering just like last time or worse!

I can't trust my Soldiers or other Capo's to protect her, hell they couldn't and wouldn't protect me and I am the son of Elio Enzo Sorento. That should mean something to them, but they don't seem to realize just how much they are risking by standing loyal to my brother. Father will not forgive any of the men who betrayed me, as that is by extension a betrayal to the Don and it will not be forgiven!

Some one had to protect Caris and that someone has to be me, I promised her safety after Davide harmed her. I need to survive, I need to get out. I need to get back to my Caris!

I pushed my hands against the warm and tough splintering wooden floor. I rose to my full height and dragged my weight to the door. 

There were no windows, no escape! Only this door that has stared at me for days. I limp closer with every step, my body feels heavy and it feels like I am carrying a corpse. That corpse is myself and while I look deathly; I know I am not dead and I push to fight one more time. I will find my way back to my Caris!

Finally I was next to the log piled door, I banged and banged until my palms were grazed and bleeding. Red patches started to coat the door and my voice came out as a croaky hoarse grunt rather than the words I was fighting to shout.

The Door flies open and knocks me back onto my arse, I landed where my drink puddle had been before. Now dried up there was a hard solid thump that found my arse as it slammed to the floor.

Marcus walks in and crosses his arms over his chest, looking down at me satisfied! His chest rumbles up and down as he laughs at my decrepit state. He was amused by my suffering and entertained by my misery. He then nodded in approval before two other men came in and grabbed my arms and pulled me out of the morbid and concealed cabin. 

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