Frozen Pizza

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I woke up early at 6am, Dean had already left, and so I went to the kitchen and made a coffee. I sat at the Bar where we had the night before, smiling when I thought about how kind he has been to me.

 I meant it when I vowed to do well at this job. There was no food, so I started my day with the food order, again I didn't want to go overboard with his money. I got some cereal that I liked, seeded bread, eggs and butter. Marmite and Ham and cheese and tomatoes. some fruit, snack bars, popcorn, squash and finally a pizza for tonight. seemed to cover the basics, and I still didn't know what he liked, other than that curry, and I wouldn't even know how to make a curry.

The note read "Caris, please do following, sweep and mop all hard floors, hoover carpets, take bins out, polish the silverware, and clean the bathrooms, excluding mine. Cook dinner ready for 6.30pm. kind regards D." 

I got onto the list, finishing all except the toilets by lunch. Shopping came and I put it away, before having a cheese and tomato toastie and a tall glass of blackcurrant squash".

I then tidied the kitchen again, before finishing the toilets. I had a few hours to spare, so I went into the garden, the sun shining and there was a swing seat, I gazed up at the clouds. 

This was so peaceful that I wish I had a book to read. 

I woke up outside and it was suddenly 6pm, oh no!

 I ran in and put the pizza in the oven, grateful that I had finished the other jobs.

 I got myself a coffee to wake up before Dean was home and sat down. The oven was beeping so I got the food out as Dean walked in. 

He instantly snapped shouting at me, He even asked if my mum had even taught me to cook. She left when I was a child, she wanted to have another family, one that I wouldn't be part of. It was just me and dad until I lost him. 

My heart shattered and I ran out!

 I went to bed, I guess maybe he isn't as nice as I had hoped. 

I showered and got ready for bed. I couldn't sleep, I was hungry so I snuck out to find that Dean had left the pizza covered and put a note "Caris, if you want it, please have it. Otherwise bin this crap" I cried but ate the pizza, I guess he was a fussy eater.

 Who the fuck dont like Pizza though. I went back to bed after and got a few hours sleep, it wasn't much though. 

I woke up at 5am, I knew he left early so I thought I would visit the gym. Dean was there but seemed calmer and welcomed me into the room, so I did. 

I used to dance when I was 16, before Daddy was ill. I had once aspired to Dance in New York, on Broadway but that was a childish dream.

 I did some stretches on the mat, trying to ignore the topless man with perfectly sculpted abs doing sit ups in behind me. 

I was stretching and touching my toes, when I looked through my legs and found Deans eyes on me. 

At first I blushed, feeling embarrassed but then shook the idea that he was even looking at me. 

He was probably just looking past me at the wall, for a focus point. 

No man would look at me like that! 

Especially one as sexy, alluring and handsome as the man behind me, lifting weights. 

I realized that I was staring and snapped my eyes away. 

I then got on the cycle machine, we didn't talk even when he was next to me on the treadmill. 

We even were going the same speed, why did I feel comfortable when only yesterday I was crying over his words?

 I left and got showered and dressed. I went to the kitchen to find a list. "Caris, clean the two cars in the garage, and make me a packed lunch, Mark will collect at 1pm. also hang the laundry on the line, when it dries, fold and leave my bits on the arm chair, I will put them away when home, p.s I like mexican and dinner at 6.30pm, D." 

So I did my chores as he had listed, all was finished by the time Mark came for his lunch and I was sleepy again, I asked Mark if he would be allowed to take me to the Library, he asked Dean for me who said yes, I was so excited. We went to the Library after Mark dropped Dean his lunch, it was just a sandwich and an apple, I hope it was enough.

 At the Library I got a new card and took out six books. I was so excited and Mark seemed like a nice bloke, a bit old. Mark must have been in his 50's but he was kind to me, and patient while I chose my books.

 After he said that Dean insisted that we had a nice coffee, so we went to starbucks and I got an Iced latte. 

 Once back I sat in the garden on the swing seat and enjoyed my coffee and a book. I felt content for the first time since that day the doctor said that one word "Terminal".

 I read for an hour and then it was 5.30pm. I had an hour and had ordered a shop earlier  in the morning to make chili. I wasn't a great cook, but at least now I have an idea of what he likes, and Mark actually told me he loves jacket potato with tuna salad too. So I ordered tomorrow's order already. 

The Chilli was almost finished when Dean stepped in, I panicked he was 15 minutes early. I apologized that dinner was not quite ready. He smelled it, leaning over my shoulder "that's more like it he said" I couldn't help a giggle escape me. 

Then he looked at the jar of sauce and shook his head "spoke too soon, it's a jar" Shit was I supposed to make it from scratch. I looked down defeated, then he took the pot and poured it in the bin. I felt a tear escape, but then he laughed instead of shouting. "Don't cry over spilled chili, I just like fresh food". 

Only I was crying because so far all I had done was disappoint Dean. 

He then showed me a bag "I stopped by the store, do you know how to make enchiladas?" He asked and I looked down in shame "I don't, I'm sorry" He reached his arm out past my head and I flinched, only he opened the cupboard behind me. What was he doing?

I thought he was going to scold me, tell me off for how useless I am.  

He pulled out some pan and said "time you learned, I will show you. chop an onion, three tomatoes and saute them, once on a simmer I will show you what spices to add, and then we fry the chicken and once combined roll into tortillas with more sauce and cheese, then bake" he calmly explained. 

I stood shook, he wanted to teach me?

We cooked together and I followed his instructions. After nearly 2 hours we sat down to eat in the kitchen and he poured a glass of wine for us both. 

He was an interesting man, but I didn't ask why he was kind.

 I just accepted it

Thank you for reading

For real though, this man is a food snob. haha comment your favourite foods!

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