Whatever it Takes

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Disclaimer, this chapter contains violence that may be upsetting to some. Read with caution


I hated leaving Caris when she was unwell, I kept myself busy. Only all I could think about was coming home to my girl.

I was going to tell her tonight!I didn't want to wait, so I would order her any food she liked, even soup. Then we will sit by candle light, I will tell her that I have fallen for her in return, that I love her and I don't care if I get Ill I will kiss the woman I love should she let me!

fuck if she lets me I will make love to her, fuck her slowly while looking into her chocolately brown eyes. I love how they sparkle as I slide my cock into her, I love how they flutter as I make her feel good. I don't think that I would ever get bored of having sex with my Caris.

While Sitting at my desk enjoying a pot noodle for lunch, because I was in a rush and fancied a good old pot noodle. Danny came into my office, I lost my shit "you can leave and knock, or leave by the main door and not come back" I said, after what she had told Caris, causing me to almost lose her she had lost the privilege to walk in like old friends.

She looked sad but did as I asked, when I said come in and she did, she sat and I already knew how sorry she was. I just wasn't sure if or when I would forgive her, but she didn't ask for my forgiveness, 'Please Dean, I need to see Caris today, she deserves my apology, and I owe her that much. I promise when she answers I will apologize how she deserves and leave her alone." I sighed, I know Caris gets lonely and I hoped Danny would have been a friend to Caris. I was wrong, but I also would not mind someone checking in on her, finding her in the tub like that had scared me.

I asked her not to bathe without me but she is such a strong willed woman. I nodded to Danny, and then as she left I said "You broke my trust Danny, I dont forget and forgiveness is earned" I warned her as she left my office.

Only an hour later Ron came storming into my office upset "No, I won't work on a spring mattress, come on Dean you know your best boy toy likes memory foam and luxury egyptian cotton sheets" I rolled my eyes.

"it's only the spare until the new one arrives you little diva" Ron rolled his eyes and sat beside me looking at my computer. "No fucking boundaries Ron" I said half serious but half in banter.

He gasped as he saw I was looking at boohoo, and at dresses.

"new Drag act Dean, you do suit baby blue honey" he joked.

This man was infuriating, yet oddly lovable. "Oh let me help, what's her favourite colour?" he asked, and I blushed realizing I didn't know that. He laughed but then did tell me that on our next date I should ask.

He turned the laptop to face him and came across a nude color skin tight body con dress, it came just below the knee and had a split in the back. He then said a nice cropped black blazer and pointed black court shoes. I handed him my card, "order my girl anything, but here you can be her personal stylist while I chase up that new mattress for you" I winked at him and made the phone call to the bed company.

Once I came back Ron was just finishing, he ordered the nude body con outfit, a floaty maxi dress, boohoo style in peach. I mean to me it just looked a pale orange with some pink in it and also a Lilac cocktail dress. Then he ordered a T-shirt that said, 'with the Boss' but had 'with' crossed out and replaced with I am, I think she will like that.

He also added a pink silk nighty. He had chosen well, we had a coffee together before he went to get ready for clients. I found myself wondering what her favourite drink was, her favourite colour, animal, game. I really wanted to know everything about her and I was grateful I may just get the chance, after tonight when I tell her that I love her.

I hope she will want to be mine and for my family, my father and the mafia one of the most sacred rules is that any member's wife is respected. It is a serious offense to harm or even look at a member's wife. They are protected, flirting with one's wife is also seen as disrespectful, and anything beyond that is punishable by death.

I felt the need to point this rule out to Davide the moment I made her mine. It already meant the world to me that mum liked her. I hope she wants to be with me, but my life comes with hardships I would never wish her to face and dangers I can't always protect her from.

Only I would spend my last breath to keep her breathing even one more breath longer than myself.

After I had finished with business I made my way to my car. I asked Mark to take the week off after his daughter's party, so he had some time with her before she returned to uni. I offered him the time off paid but he refused, too bad that I didn't listen.

It's already 5pm so I called the Doctor on my hands free set, and asked him how the appointment was, he told me that no one answered the door. Which was strange as Caris knew he was coming, and wouldn't have gone anywhere, she was too sick.

I asked him if there was anything concerning, he told me there was no sign of any foul play, she just didn't open the door. My heart was racing, as was I apparently as it seems the police were now tailing me as I had stepped on the gas, but I had to know Caris was okay. What if she ignored me and had a bath, fell asleep and didn't answer because she had drowned.

The police kept following me, but I was determined to get home and see that my Caris was okay. Only then one police officer must have pulled some sharp wire out a few miles ahead, as I slid off the road with all my tires popping.

I was arrested and taken to the station, I called Timothy but my mind was rampant that my Caris was not okay, I told him to check on Caris before coming to me, as he has a spare key.

It must have been hours before he arrived and paid bail, "So is she okay" I pleaded as we walked out of the station. His face already answered my question.

She must have left me, I knew she was too good to be true. I stormed off and got into my other car. Timothy left his at my house and drove my other one here, I would need to get a tow truck to retrieve my other from where it slid off the road. As I sat into the car, Timothy joined me and he put his hand on my shoulder "I am sorry mate" He said.

Only I was done, I was hurting and normally I would drink, and fuck some whore, instead I decided to go home and order Indian. She wasn't just any girl, and if she had left me like I worry, I know my heart will never beat the same.

Timothy got into his car to get home once we came to my driveway, He apoligized only I was grateful to be alone. I opened the door and as I stepped in, something felt off. I saw that there was a mug of cold coffee still on the breakfast bar, and near the door in the entrance hall I saw a tiny drop of blood. My heart raced as I ran to her room, opened her drawers, all her clothes were still here.

That's when I saw her phone left on the vanity desk, with missed calls. I also found a small post it note, it was Davides writing. "got her, no refunds".

I screamed falling to my knees, the cunt can't think I would want a refund, I don't care about money. I want my Caris back, and safely.

I had no choice but to call Mark and explain. I started to apologize asking him to return early, "Sorry mate, but as for your leave-" I didn't finish before Mark said "I don't need one, Julia is fine I will see her again in may half term, Caris is like a niece to me, I need to help, I will take Julia to the station for the next train and come to you. Have you called your father."

I sighed "You know what he would ask, but yes I have texted mum to have him call me, I will do whatever it takes"

Thank you for reading

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