New Contracts, Old Flames

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After mum and Caris had left I decided to get myself in gear and head over to the office. I called Timothy on the way out the door but he said he was having a movie night with Sandy so another evening would be best. 

I needed to catch up with my best man and discuss some wedding details but I knew what movie night really meant for Tim and Sandy. 

I drove to the office, Mark had the day off and I knew he was spending it with his grandbaby. He showed me some pictures and I understand why he is besotted with her. 

Once at the office I marched to my office and slumped into my chair at my desk. I was brutally emotionally drained. I was not ready to start my conditioning, I saw how it had changed Davide and feared it changing me. Davide was never a good man, he was always twisted but when he was a boy I saw some emotions from him, only ever towards our mother but as he finished his training that part of him died. 

What if I stop loving mum, or worse Caris, I was not born to be a cold blooded killer. I mean I have killed, Caris' ex is only one of eight but when you compare my eight to Davide's thousands it does seem innocent. Also I only ever killed as a last resort or in self defense. I was caperable but I didn't want to end a life, I never made that decision lightly. 

Then when I killed for Caris it was not calculated and planned. It was in the heat of the moment, I had to protect her, even then. I just didn't have the words yet as to why! She was the only person I had killed for. Before Caris I had only killed for my business or when faced with a threat to myself. She has changed me but in a way I think is positive. Conditioning may change me but not for the better. 

I knew I had to toughen up though or I would be seen as weak and an easy target. Davide has a target on his back for all the damage he has caused. He has betrayed many mobs and gangs. Made powerful enemies with no care in the world. I intend to patch our relationships up with these enemies that once were our allies. To do that I need to show that I will be a different leader than my brother was attempting to be. 

I sat at my desk and got started on looking through some contracts. I had two new starters starting and wanted to review their package agreements. One girl had agreed to no sexual contact, only romantic dates. Most of our clients are ones that seek to explore taboos or forbidden sex. I did not think this young woman would get many customers but I never pushed my employees to engage in any activity for business. We do get some who want to hire out a person to appear as their date to functions, or even lonely people who just want to not sleep alone. 

I never understood the need for cuddles after sex let alone when there was no sex. Only now I would never want to sleep without my Caris again. 

I finished reading through the contracts that Tim had drafted up, it was signed by himself, now I had to sign it, then give them to their respective people and after they have had time to read over it we would then discuss it, before finally stamping and filing it.

The door flew open and I looked at the doorway, irritated that they didn't knock,whoever it was would be taught a lesson. 

Only I looked up to see a she-devil, Taylor stood in my doorway in nothing but a skimpy black skirt that should she have bent over her arse would be fully on show. She also wore a white shirt, not fully buttoned and I could see her black bra through the shirt almost as well as the black lace poking out cupping her overly sized breasts. 

I cringe as my eyes glare at her, feeling nauseous at the thought that I ever found such a slut attractive. 

"Get out, I don't hire whores" I spit, I know some may debate that I indeed do hire whores as their work is sex, only the people I hire were professionals. They may sell sex for a living but at least they carried some class, they understood boundaries. My boundaries!

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