The Ghost who haunts her

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Disclaimer, Sexual assault and violence. Please read on with caution!


I was waiting for Caris to return from the ladies and my mind wandered. I can't believe I made such a stupid joke, all because her hand touching mine had me wanting more, I just needed to grab her hand.

I realized how weird that would be.That her boss grabbed her hand, feeding her popcorn.

Fuck I wanted her, seeing her lips go around my fingers and take the popcorn into her mouth, I wanted to slip something else into her mouth but I shouldnt be thinking like that.

I have rules

I am a professional, I am her boss and only her boss.

She is the most beautiful girl I have seen, but she hasn't given any signals or even shown any interest, and why would she. She didn't choose to be here, I can't blame her for already not wanting me, and being her boss probably only makes me more off putting to her.

It's unprofessional of me.

I had become more and more aware that Caris had taken over half an hour, while I wanted to assume she was just shitting or having a period I felt the need to check on her.

I also worried she may have left, to never come back.

That should not be something that I worry about, I shouldn't care but I do and I dont think it's because of the money I spent on her either.

I walked into the Ladies, getting some looks as I did, one woman leaving muttered "pervert" under her breath, but I shrugged and still went in.

Then in the far stall I saw him holding her against the wall, his fingers playing with her pussy.

Time stood still as I saw him knuckles deep inside her, my eyes traveled up. Scanning her, expecting to see pleasure in her face. Only I saw pain and fear.

She was not enjoying his touch and I instantly grew enraged.

Maybe at first I felt jealous but now I feel anger rising from my very bones.

How dare anyone touch any woman against her will, he will pay!

I wasn't angry at first, who was I to tell Caris she can't have fun with a stranger, but then as soon as I heard her say "stop Charlie" and I thought back to her crying in her sleep that name.

It's him, the one who haunts her sleep.

I see red, this time not from jealousy and I hit him hard, knocking him out.

I see the tears down Caris' face, the black mascara streaking her soft skin.

I had to get her out of here, away from him.

If she didn't need me, if I Didn't need to get her to safety, I wouldn't have stopped hitting him.

I wish that I could have kept going, but she comes first.

She was the only reason that I was seeing clearly right now.

I looked at Caris, and she looked petrified, I felt the need to hold her, again that was stupid.

She would not want her boss to cuddle her and since when do I cuddle.

Only, I knew it was the only right thing to do.

She needed comfort.

Only I am no good at comforting others.

I lifted her over my shoulder and marched out of the cinema, I told Mark who had been waiting outside in the parking lot to go get our belongings from the screen.

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