"He sure looks like Beerus!" gasped Kakarrot.

"That may be because he is my twin brother," Beerus said without taking his eyes off Champa.

"What do you mean, sixth universe?" asked Vegeta.

"Oh, you don't know that yet." Whis cleared his throat. "There are twelve universes in all. Any two of them form a pair whose sum is 13, so the first and the twelfth, the second and the eleventh, and so on. The two universes that belong together behave similarly to mirrors to each other."

Kera's jaw dropped briefly, as did Vegeta's, before she regained her composure. "You're telling us there are other universes right now? Parallel universes? Universes that you can travel to?"

"Well, it isn't quite that simple ..." put in Whis.

"I don't understand anything at all." Kakarrot looked perplexed from Vegeta to Kera and then to Whis.

"I'll explain later, birdbrain," Vegeta growled.

"Can I have some proper food now?" demanded Champa.

Beerus sighed in annoyance. "Since the food you brought wasn't that convincing, I'll serve you something really good now. Whis!"

Whis nodded and made a small circular motion with his staff. Two steaming mugs appeared in front of Vados and Champa, floating in the air. Suspiciously, Champa leaned forward and sniffed.

"These are cup noodles. Go ahead and try them, brother."

Hesitantly, Champa and Vados took the sticks floating next to the cups between their fingers and slowly began to put the first bite in their mouths.

Everyone watched spellbound as the two chewed and finally swallowed. For a moment nothing happened. Then they suddenly began to shovel the rest of the cup's contents into their mouths with breathtaking speed. Satisfied, Champa patted his belly, while Vados graciously wiped her mouth with a handkerchief.

"I must admit, that was really delicious. Where did you get this food?"

"From Earth. Vegeta ..." Beerus gestured over to him with a curt movement of his head "... showed me this delicacy so he could train here one more time after his sister ..." He now pointed at Kera, "... had presented her homemade noodles." He grinned as he leaned back in his chair.

Kera's eyes darted to Champa, who was obviously thinking hard about something. "Vados!" he finally called out, causing everyone present to wince slightly, except for the one addressed herself, who seemed to have already expected it.

"Yes, Lord Champa?"

"Surely we must have such an earth in our universe. Look for it! I want to eat these things too."

Vados nodded, let her staff tap the ground once, and then stared intently into the sphere hovering at the top of the staff. Kera could not see from her vantage point what Vados was looking at. The orb appeared black, broken only by a few lighter spots. Whis stepped closer to her and looked over Vados' shoulder.

"You need to look a little further to the left, sister."

Surprised, Kera raised her eyebrows and looked at Vegeta, who also looked slightly confused.

"Vados is Whis' sister?" said Kera redundantly. Vegeta nodded and shrugged at the same time, as if he didn't know what to say to that either.

"Lord Champa, the Earth of the Sixth Universe is destroyed," Vados announced after a while. "From the looks of it, the inhabitants of the planet have been extremely wasteful of resources."

Champa folded his arms in front of his chest and swayed his head back and forth as if he were considering.

"Let's fight each other. If I win, we'll swap earths, if you win, everything stays as it is."

I am Kera, a Saiyan Warrior PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now