[33] deal day ... ❓️

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Felix didn't sleep at all, it was the day to do the deal. Felix played with the rings on his fingers, felix was sat in the back with han. "Felix..?" Felix turned his head and saw han, "yes sungie..?" Felix replied nervously, han placed his hand on felix's and rubbed it. "It's gonna be okay.." felix nodded and then layed his head on the olders shoulder, closing his eyes and hoping to atleast get some sleep.

"Were here!" Felix opened his eyes and looked out the window, seeing a big house. He felt something building up in him,


Felix controlled his breathing, "you okay lix..?" Jeongin asked and felix nodded instead of answering, still trying to control his breathing. "Hyunjin should be here already." Seungmin said to everyone and everyone nodded. Felix was meant to be in a car with hyunjin but the bodyguards told him to go in the other car. The car door opened and Jeongin, seungmin, changbin, bangchan and leeknow got out the car. Felix looked at the outside through the door, he felt his heart tighten and his body shake. "Felix?" Everyone was going quiet, he could only hear the sound of ringing. He closed his eyes shut and put his hands over his ears.

Han poked his head out the door and called for help. Two bodyguards came over and tried to asked felix if he was alright but the younger couldn't answer. Hyunjin then arrived and went up to the group, "Where's felix..?" They all shrugged, hyunjin turned his head to the car and saw bodyguards around it. He rushed over, pushing past the bodyguards, only to see his lover shaking violently. He went into the car and sat by the youngers side, bringing the boy into a hug. "Shh.. its okay. I'm here, my love.." felix finally started to cone back into focus, the ringing sound fading around. Felix opened his eyes, taking his hands away from his ears and looking around. "You don't have to do this if you don't want to.." Hyunjin said softly, felix shaked his head, "I can do this.." He breathed, the three got out the car and went to the others. Han still couldn't do anything since he only had his surgery two days ago and the doctors said that he can't move as much. Once they go into the building, they can see felix and then felix is gonna go back to han.

"Let hyunjin and felix go in first then us once felix comes out." They all nodded, the bodyguards motioned them and felix and Hyunjin walked inside. They got into the mansion and two big wooden doors opened, revealing Damien and Eun-Woo. Felix gulped and the pair took a seat in the two chairs infront of Eun-Woo and Damien. "Good afternoon!" Damien said, hyunjin placed his hand on felix's thigh, hopefully it helps him calm down a bit. "So you agree to the deal?" Damien asked, "yes." The ravenette smirked, motioning the bodyguards to put the contract infront of hyunjin.

Hyunjin read the contract, picking up a pen and a out to sign it until Damien stopped him. "I'll double it, if! If you help me get more money off of the 3rd mafia boss. Cho jin. His onto our tail and we need help to defeat him." Damien explained, hyunjin leaned back into his chair, lifting and eyebrow. "And why do I have to help you? You kidnapped my boyfriend." Hyunjin saids in a cold voice, "I won't try any funny business with him, his least of my worries at rhe moment. I just want to defeat Mr cho." Damien said, hyunjin hesitantly thought. "Fine." He signed the contract and felix stood up, "felix is going back to stay with Lee minhos partner." Damien smirked and nodded. "Very well." "My team is coming in so we can discuss this more." Damien nodded, felix left and the others walked in.

Felix got into the car, seeing that han fell asleep. He sat next to him and layed his head on his shoulder, going on his phone, getting his mind off of Damien. "Hi." Felix shot his head up and saw Eun-Woo. "Don't worry! I only came to apologise.. it was in the contract." Felix nodded and looked down, "how have you been?" "Fine.." felix answered quickly, Eun-Woo sighed. "I'll get going then." Eun-Woo walked away, he sighed in relief and looked down at han. He made han lay down so his head was on felix's lap, felix played with his hair while he was on his phone. He started to get sleepy again so he put his phone away and closed his eyes.

Felix fluttered his eyes open, only to see that he was still in the car but this time the car was moving and it was dark. He yawned and stretched, "finally your awake." Seungmin laughed, felix smiled slightly and looked around. It didn't look like they were far from hyunjin's building, he saw that han was still sleeping. "Lee know." Lino lifted his head, "did han get any sleep last night.. his been sleeping for hours." Felix said, Lee know looked down at his beloved and then lifted it back up to felix's eyes. "I don't know.. probably not." Felix nodded, he looked out the window and noticed that they were pulling onto hyunjin's building.

The car parked and they all got out, all of their legs feeling numb from sitting into the car for too long. Felix saw hyunjin and ran up to him, slinging his arms around hyunjin's neck and placing his own face Into the olders neck. "You still tired..?" Hyunjin chuckled, felix hummed in response. "I've got my own room in the building so you can sleep there while I do some work." Felix nodded, "want me to carry you?" "Yes.." felix responded, he jumped and Hyunjin held onto his thighs while felix clings his legs around his lovers waist.

The other went home but bangchan and changbin stayed, saying their gonna go into a room and do a vlive. Hyunjin let them do that, meanwhile his gonna do work and felix is gonna sleep.

Hyunjin got to the top floor, putting felix on the bed. Taking his shoes off and tucking him into bed. he walked up to his desk and sat down in his chair, sighing as he did so. He felt like sleeping because of how comfortable the chair is but he had to stay awake to work.



Sorry this chapter is so short but I have to go to the doctors and I felt like I had been keeping you guys waiting too long..  😣

So sorry its short, I'll hopefully make the next one long. But.

The next one is gonna be on Sunday 😜

I'm busy this week so I cannot make it until Sunday , sorry !!

I'm busy this week so I cannot make it until Sunday , sorry !!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2023 ⏰

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