[28] kidnapped 💔

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Felix was sitting on a rocking chair, with his son in his hands. He was staring at the sunset, Hyunjin, his other two kids, han, minho and their kids went to a restaurant, but felix Decided to stay back with the baby.

Of course felix was still sad, iseul will never get to see his aunty or grandma and grandad. Felix is missing them everyday, his probably gonna go to a few therapy lessons for him to gain the rest of his happiness back. He still isn't well and needed to be taken care off, he was weak. He hasn't eaten since this morning, he can't eat. Whenever his going to put something in his mouth, he just can't fully do it. It's like his allergic to food.

The blonde looked down at his beautiful baby, felix is happy had a child this beautiful, he was sure to become a model when his older. "My sweet baby boy.." iseul was sucking on felix's thumb, the blonde could tell that his baby missed him just like the blonde missed him. Felix kiss his sons head and then looked back up to meet a giant window with the sunset shining through.

Felix started rocking in the chair, no sound at all was coming from any direction except from under him and in his arms. His baby was making those baby noises while sleeping, the other sound was the chair.

Felix started to feel tired so he thought he'd rest his eyes.. just... for a.. bit..


*glass shatter*

Felix eyes opened wide, he looked out the window and noticed that it was dark. Felix woke up because of the sound of glass shattering.

He quickly stood up, all the guns were in the room next to him. He could leave his baby in there by himself when there was DEFINITELY a burglar in his house.

He tip-toed to the door, opening it and sleeping out of it without making a sound. He looked down near the stairs and saw 2 men wearing black, with guns in his hands walking around the house. "Shit..!" He whispered, he quickly went to his and his lovers room, going into hyunjin's draw and getting a gun out of it.

"Make sure to check upstairs aswell." He heard a voice from downstairs, felix thought if they came upstairs and he shot them, it would make a loud noise so He grabbed a knife he always keeps in his draw. His bedroom was open wide, he quickly hid behind the door, seeing 3 people coming up the stairs.

"You check in them rooms and ill check in the master bedroom, the little freckled boy is sure to be hiding in there." Felix's heart stopped.

So they were looking for him?

"Hey, how do you know his still in the house?" Someone asked, "because I saw that cunt and his bastard of a brother with that pathetic thing go out." Felix felt his blood boil, he can't wait till the person comes into the room. "Alright." They stopped their conversations and then the blonde heard footsteps coming towards him.

Felix was hoping that iseul wouldn't wake up and start crying, this really depends on his and iseuls life right now.

The male entered the room, shutting the door and looking around. "So they have a baby? I would mind killing a child." Felix went behind him and stabbed him in the throat. "No one is ever gonna kill my baby." Felix said in the angry voice, he took the knife out and the taller male fell to the floor.

Felix realised he almost woke iseul up, he quickly went to his bedside table and got out a pacifier, slipping it into the baby's mouth, hoping that will keep him quiet.

Felix quickly walked out the room, "No one in here." The male left the room and felix stabbed him in the head, this time getting blood on his face. "Just one more baby and we will escape.." felix told his sweet son, "I FOUND HIM!" He heard a voice and felix turned his head, quickly shooting him. "Fuck. This is gonna be hard.." He heard rushing from downstairs, more people was walking down the stairs, the blonde quickly shot them. "How many are there?!" Felix said to himself, he rushed downstairs and saw more. "For fuck sakes." They started shooting and felix hid behind a wall. "Was that a baby." One of the people said.

Felix looked down at his son and noticed that he was still sound asleep. "How the fuck are you still sleeping?!" Even felix couldn't sleep thought this. Felix peaks out and started shooting, felix then dropped his gun.

He got shot in the wrist, the smaller dropped to his knees. "F-fuck.." felix said, "STOP!" Felix heard someone shout, "Don't kill him." Felix looked up and his eyes widened. "E-Eun-woo.." felix knew who this was. Very. Well.

It was Damiens brother, "Hey princess." Eun-Woo smirked, felix tried to get away, remembering all the flashbacks.

Eun-woo was with his brother when they were beating him up, Eun-Woo was the one who stabbed a knife into his thighs. This man should be in jail, he tortured him for years. "Missed me?" Eun-Woo said, chewing on a piece of gum.

( I'm really sorry Eun-Woo 😔, I'm sorry u have to be the bad guy for My story. I promise I love you ☹️💔 not in a weird way like them weird fans. )

"I'm sure my brother would loveeeeee to see you." Felix eyes started to water, not him... anyone but him he wanted to see. Felix tried to crawl away but Eun-Woo ordered one of his bodyguards to hold him still. "I see you have a son, isn't he adorable~" felix had his arms held so he couldn't take his sweet baby boy away from the phsyco man. Eun-Woo was staring him in the eyes, "your lucky i don't kill babies. I have a baby of my own, and I will be hurt if anyone killed her. She's just turned 11 two days ago." Eun-Woo smiled, "I feel bad for her to have a father like you." Eun-Woo glared at him, "what did you fucking saying." Eun-Woo tone went cold, "let's see if you still have the scar shall we?" Eun-Woo lifted the blondes shorts and saw a scar. "Maybe we should make the scar apear more?" Felix shook his head, "p-please.." Eun-Woo took the knife out of the freckled boys pocket and was about to stab the scar but someone rushed over to them.

"Sir! There's leaving the place, we have to go now." A lady said, she was dressed up like a bodyguard guard. "Aish. Your lucky." Eun-Woo motioned them to put the cloth over felix's mouth, causing the poor boy to pass out. "Come on, I think I'll adopt you now since your mum will be locked up for his whole life." Eun-Woo smiled, realising the baby was now away and was looking up at the taller. "Got beautiful blue eyes like your mum haven't you?"

His bodyguards carried felix to the brunettes (Eun-Woo) car and they all left.


"Remember when minho tried to cook but he almost burnt the whole house down." Jisung said, causing the group to laugh, (obviously not lia 😭) "Hey maybe we should get going now, it's getting a bit late and the kids have school in the morning." Minho suggested, they all agreed and started to pack up all their left over food, Hyunjin had already paid so they were all set to go.

They were in the car listening to music, "its sad felix didn't come out with us, he would of loved it." Minho said in the drivers seat, "yeah I'm sure uncle lixie would have funny stories to tell!" Minnie said and hyunjin smiled, "yeah I'm sure he does, he told me that he didn't want to go bc he wasn't feeling well and he wanted to spend time with iseul." Hyunjin said. Minho and jisung was talking in the front, kyo was on hyunjin's lap and serri and Minnie was in their car seats, watching their ipads.

"How do you think lix is doing?" Minho said, had his hand on his lovers thigh. "I'm sure his okay, his probably sitting on the sofa, sleeping while watching his favourite cartoon." Han giggled. Lee know was just pulling into the drive when he noticed something, "Hey.. is that glass broken or is it just really see through..?" Minho asked, han looked over and noticed it. "I don't know.. hang on I'll get out." Minho stopped the car and jisung got out, walking over to it.

His eyes widened, he stepped thought the window, beneath his foot was making a crackling noise. Han stopped in his tracks when we saw blood, he looked around the place and noticed there were dead bodies everywhere. He also saw bullets aswell, this wasn't that long ago since the blood was still fresh. Minho came behind him, "jisung?" He looked at han before looking into the house. "Oh shit.." Minho said, "do you think felix killed all them..? All the bodyguards were on their holidays." Jisung asked his lover, "he doesn't know how to use a gun.. it can't of been him." Jisung said. "What we looking at?" Hyunjin said, minho and jisung moved out the way and Hyunjin felt his blood boil.

"Search the house." Hyunjin said.

Hyunjin was gonna find felix, no matter how long it takes. His not letting him go that easy.



Finally it's done, not that exciting in this chapter bu ti promise it will be exciting soon 😔💔

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