22: The moment.

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Opening the door from the bathroom, Noah seemed to notice as his eyes slid over my body admiring what he got to see. "You look beautiful" he said as he grabbed his phone and wallet from the backpack he had placed in the room last night.

"You don't look so bad yourself" I smiled up at him. Grabbing my backpack I made sure I had my phone, its charger, and my wallet as well as mine and Noah's spare change of clothes—assuming we would be swimming today. "Are you ready to start this day?" I asked zipping up the bag in front of me and slinging it around my shoulder.

"I should be asking you that, are you ready to start the third date?" he shut the villa door behind us. It wasn't dark so I could see the white sand of the beach and along the beach was a pier which led up to what looked like merchant areas. Noah seeing my confusion he leaned in a bit. "It's a resort, we can come and go as we please this weekend—it looked super nice, so I thought why not, we deserve a break."

Sliding my sunglasses on, Noah did the same as he led us down the beach—already there were people, or tourists flocking the small merch stands and some even with drinks in their hands. "Were you worried Nick was going to catch on at all?" I asked—Nick was still texting me asking how work was going and of course coming up with excuses as to what I am doing with my 'work-girls' was a challenge.

"Yes and no, more so worried he would have come with you—when I tell the guys I am working on music, or helping a friend with music they tend to leave me to work, of course if it was for Bad Omens they pitch in where they can, come up with stuff on their own as well but really when I say I am going to go help a friend they never question me" he had it easier than I did then.

Nudging him I smiled as we stepped up into a little area that had some couples already enjoying their breakfasts. "Open food bar?" I questioned as I watched a couple ahead of us grab a plate and start putting food from the platters on it.

"I thought it might be easier then going somewhere and sitting down trying to decide" he did have a point. Handing me a plate, I thanked him as Noah stepped up and started plating his own meal of his choice. Following along, I grabbed a waffle that I topped with some fresh fruit—I loved fresh fruit especially in the mornings, so I wasn't shocked that majority of my plate was fruit before I placed a small yogurt cup with granola on it and headed off to a table. Noah joined me a moment later, two plates of food in hand. "So much for easier then I suppose" I joked taking a bite of melon from my plate.

Noah chuckled sending a blush creeping over my cheeks. "No, this plate is mine" he gestured to the waffles of his own which were coated in syrup and some fruit. "This plate is for us to share" he gestured to the plate that contained bacon, sausage, and small desserts.

Grabbing a piece of bacon I began chewing as Noah dove into his own breakfast.
Enjoying one another's company, it was nice being out with Noah.
Once we were done, Noah led the way to the beach outside our villa—there were families already set up for the day as kids not far off ran in and out of the water. Laying a towel down I took a seat as the sun soaked itself on us. "Sunscreen?" Noah said as he dug through the backpack our items were in.


Putting some on his hands, he worked his hands on my back before leaning around and kissing my cheeks. Noah was ready to go in the water so he wandered off ahead into the water, enjoying the swim in the beach as I sat back and scrolled my phone—I would swim later or even in the pool that sat outside mine and Noah's villa with a hot tub not far from it. The thought of soaking in it with Noah was relaxing enough.
Phone buzzing, Jamie had texted me as well as Nick.

Nick: How is the work trip going? Need me to come there yet, I can be a ladies' man.
Fae: You have a girlfriend who I love by the way. No, I don't need you to come hold my hand. I will text you before my flight on Sunday.

Limits |Noah Sebastian/ Bad Omens|Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz