Chapter 9.

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"Out on your corner in the pouring rain...."

Matt's POV***

Did she really just ask me that question?

The question that of course I knew the answer to and thought about 24/7.


A huge bolt of lightening hit the ground, with the sound of thunder appearing within five seconds.

Only one mile away.


"Molly your'e my best friend. Of course I think your beautiful."

She smiled. "Really?"

I nodded. "Of course."

I wanted to go farther and tell her that she wasn't just beautiful. That she was gorgeous inside and out. That she was the prettiest girl I have ever seen, and that I wasn't just saying that cause I'm her best friend.

It was the honest to God truth.

She blushed and gave me a shy smile. "Ahh shucks thanks, Matt. You really are my best friend."

I thought for a second. "Molly, you know your a good looking girl. I'm not just saying that. It's true."

She struggled. "Yeah right..."

"No really, squirt. I'm serious. I've seen guys look at you before, if you know what I mean."

Her ears perked. "Oh yeah, who?"

"Just guys in general; in school, town, anywhere. Your'e a good looking girl."

She gave me a mischievous smile. "Your not bad looking yourself, you know."

I smiled. She had no clue how much that meant to me. Even if it was kind of gay cause I'm a guy and all but ain't bad to hear "your attractive" comments once in awhile.

Especially from the girl you love.

"Oh really?"

She blushed. "Yes, really. "You've got nice hair."

Nice hair? That was the best she could come up with? What about my sexy six pack or eyes? Or dimples?

Ah at least it was a start.

"So why did you ask me?" I asked. I was dying to know.

Especially if that stupid Johnny Cash kid had something to do with it.

".....It's just something that I felt like I had to ask."

Yeah, right.

"Okay, squirt. "You know, you have nice hair, too."

She smiled. "Thanks."

I paused for a second, debating whether or not if I should ask her the question Johnny was asking her. Nah, that would be rude.

"Soo done examining your face? I asked.

She nodded. "Yeah, I'm done. "Wanna work on Trigonometry? Unless Scher didn't assign you guys anything, yet."

I laughed. "Let's get started."

Molly was a whiz when at came to school; she's earned straight A's since kindergarten she's told me. I wish I was that smart.

I wasn't that bad at Trigonometry I least I could manage. Math wasn't a bad subject for me.

"So how was practice?" I asked Molly.

She Will Be LovedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora