Chapter 33: The Traitor Revealed

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Glitter's POV
Ugh I hope Amber has the pets still trusting her. Because I failed. She might be mad. We finally met up at lunch. "I have to tell you something." We both said. "On the count of 3, 1, 2, 3!" "My beret and glasses fell off!" "They caught me telling lies and rumors about them!" "Wait what?" We both said. We had both failed? We might've failed this time but we will never stop until we bring them down. Which hopefully will be soon? Who knows!

Coco's POV
Bailey was right. He was right all along. I should have never trusted Amber! I should have never ever thought she would've changed!  I feel so angry at myself! I feel like beating down a wall! I can't take it! How could I let this happen? I sat at our usual spot at lunch feeling so much guilt. Cindy came along with Arthur and Mishka. But where was Hazel? Cindy sat down. "Where's Amber?" "Where's Hazel?" "Hazel? More like glitter with a beret and glasses." "Wait what?" "Yeah it was glitter and she was pretending to be on my side and let me guess Amber betrayed you?" "Caught her starting rumors and lies." "You we're right to accuse Hazel, I mean Glitter." "So we're you with Amber." "I don't really like being separated." "Neither do I." Then Bailey came waking. How surprising he still wants to talk with us. But he came with Atlas and Elton? No mike? "Where's Mike?" "Don't know, we were all in different classes and I found Elton and Atlas. So where's Amber and Hazel." "You mean Amber and Glitter. Yeah, the beret and glasses fell off Hazel or should I say,glitter in writing." "Dang." Bailey didn't show much sympathy. He never really does. "And amber, well, you can kind of guess." "I knew Amber would turn on you." Suddenly all these cats and dog came up to our table. "I heard you stole my lunch!" "You called me ugly!" "You said my breath stinks like fish!" We all looked at each other and at the same time we all said, "No we didn't." "Who even told you this?" Asked Akira. "It was Mike." Said one of them. "Yeah Mike." "I think mike told me?" "Someone was passing it on to me and said it was Mike." MIKE?! WHAT?! Bailey was shocked. I even saw Glitter and Amber shocked. Eavesdroppers! A cat wearing sunglasses came up to our table, he took them off and it was Mike. "Tricked ya, didn't I?" He said so calmly. "How could you, Mike? I thought we were friends?" "You thought we were friends? Maybe you all shouldn't have been so worried about the others, but oh wait you all were fighting with each other. "But why us? Why would you try sabotage us?" Artemis asked. "Hah, because you were too easy and you seemed to trick Glitter and Amber so I wanted to see if I could outsmart you and I did." "So you're one of them? You're with Glitter and Amber." Arthur said. "Not exactly, I work alone." "You'll pay for this!" Atlas said. "I'm afraid I won't, adios my friends." And he walked away. We were all in shock but Mishka's first reaction was, "told you guys it wasn't me." We all said, "We know!"

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