Chapter 23: Like Bailey, Like Coco

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Coco's POV
Lunchtime was very chaotic. I still think Bailey is a stubborn, ignorant cat and always will be but he apologized so maybe he is starting to be different? I had to go to some library class. I walked in and I saw Cindy's puppy friend, Mishka. She hadn't really spoken all that much. What if Bailey's right? Not about Arthur, but about finding out who this *imposter* is. Is Mishka the imposter? I mean she's quiet and she's cute but what if that's an act and she is secretly working for Glitter? I couldn't just ask her upfront. But what if I could? Nah. I barely know her and I've never talked to her. But maybe if I took some chances? Well what would it look like, 'Hey Mishka, I was just wondering are you the imposter because you're quiet and cute and I think you're working for Glitter.' Okay I won't say it. I sat next to Mishka on the couch. She saw me and waved a little with her paw. She was definitely the youngest of the group. But Cindy did mention how Glitter was bullying her. So maybe I'm wrong? But does she have to be working for Glitter to be the imposter? Or maybe she's getting paid? I need to know! This thing is driving me crazy!!! err I have to ask her! "Mishka are you the imposter?" She looked at me and laughed. But not in an evil way she just laughed. "No, why would you think that?" Something was still very off and suspicious with her. I did not approve of this little charade. Why did she laugh? This is meant to be serious! We have a possible betrayal in the making we need to figure how who this is! Woah I sound like Bailey. Who cares! All I care about is interrogating Mishka!!!!! After that weird teacher stopped talking and grabbed Mishka and pulled her aside. "Mishka, I want to know the truth, are you or not working for Glitter?" "I'm NOT." "So you work alone, huh? Probably makes sense why you are so unsocial." "Just leave me alone!" She pushes me aside and runs off. Was I tad too hard on her?

Bailey's POV
P.E????? PE?!?!?! IM GOING HOME SORRY! I was having the largest meltdown and Akira walked over to me and stared at me. "You okay?" "OKay? OKAY? DO I LOOK OKAY TO YOU?!" "No." Akira was acting so chill. I went back down on the ground. "It's not that bad, it's just a little bit of dodgeball and that's it." "Dodgeball?" "Yeah it's a game. Wait you've never heard of dodgeball?" I shook my head. "Oh it's a simple game, there's 2 times and just dodge the ball and if it hits you, you are out." "Is running involved?" "Depends how you want to dodge." "HAHA!" "EVERYONE! I will be choosing the captains for each dodgeball team, after this we will play a bit of basketball as y'all are behind on that. Now who wants to be a captain?" I put my hand up. I had my campaign for becoming school captain, I was going to be swimming in the swimming leagues, this was going to be good experience going on my résumé, although I don't know when I'm going to use that ever. "Uhh you! Will the blue and red collar! What's your name?" "Bailey." Well Bailey who would you like to choose first for your team?" "Akira." Akira and I walked over to our side together. "What's your strategy?" Akira suddenly asked. "What strategy? I just hit them with balls and that's it." "Yeah but you also need a strategy." "Oh well I do have one" I actually didn't. "What is it?" "It's a secret!" "We're on the same team though?" "You'll copy me! I know you will, you aren't as innocent as you look!" Akira shrugged. I was going crazy. But suddenly when the game begun I had a strategy. I got to the biggest dog I could find on my team. "Hey, as leader and running for school captain, do you mind if you can be my bodyguard?" "What's in it for me?" He said. "Food." He licked his lips. "Of course!" He knelt down and I got on his back. I felt proud of myself. But I also need to know his name. "Hey, what's your name?" "Atlas." "Cool I'm Bailey." "Want to be friends?" "Sure!" "And my bodyguard?" "Yes!" And that's how you make friends, kids. Whenever I saw a ball this dog would make great jumps! I could just sit on him and enjoy myself.

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