Chapter 5 : Loco?

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No one's POV
Its after recess now, Bailey has to do drama class, Coco has writing class and it's Cindy's turn for swimming.

Cindy's POV
Im a little scared, I'm not a big fan of water to be honest. I wonder how Coco did it. Then some big dog came up to me. "Hey, are you the one who protected Loco at recess?" Loco? What? Did they mean Coco? "Who's Loco?" "Okay then you're probably not the dog" strange... All I know is I did protect Coco but not Loco. Maybe I need to protect Loco next? Everyone was talking about this "Loco". Whoever Loco was, they were famous, but maybe in a bad way. Everyone was talking bad about them? "I heard Loco needed a dog to protect her" well maybe the dog was being nice. "Apparently she called Glitter a drama queen!" Hang on a second, no, coco was the one who called Glitter a drama queen. Maybe they got her name wrong? But then why are they talking bad about Coco? "I think you guys mean to say, Coco." Everyone stared at me in disgust, was this usual? "Listen, dog, we know her names Coco but Mr Gareth called her Loco this morning so that's what we'll call her." Mr Gareth? Who's that? I should probably speak to him. "Alright class, welcome back, for those who do not know me, my name is Mr Gareth and I am your swimming teacher. Alright 2 laps of doggy paddle, GO!" Well that was fast, at least I knew how to do doggy paddle. I used to swim at the beach but now I don't know if I want to swim anymore, well I guess I have to do this one! It can't be that bad, right?

Bailey's POV
Drama class? But I'm not an actor? Does this really have to be mandatory?! I hate this school enough, can it really get any worse?! Cat teacher? Oh phew! Wait a second, I recognize that cat! Is that Ajax? But why's he a drama teacher? I better go ask him. "Hey Ajax, it's me Bailey, what are you doing here?" "Oh hi Bailey! My owner is the daughter of Dorothea and they wanted teachers so they hired me." This was not like Ajax. Ajax hated musicals more than me! So what's he doing being a teacher for drama? "I thought you hated acting and musicals and stuff?" "Oh I do." "Then why are you teaching drama?" "I originally tried out for art but they got some golden retriever to do the job." "Yeah, I saw" I hadn't seen Ajax in a long time! But drama? No thank you! "Alright, Mr Ajax in the house! Im drama it's a mix of doing acting skills and for the musical coming up" musical? Oh no. What's the musical? "We will be doing auditions for Encanto at lunch. If I see exceptional talent in one of you today, that means I will most likely be offering you a role and you don't have to audition!" All I know is I'm not auditioning! We all got handed a drama script thingy. I had to pretend to cry at some stage! This was going to be a long day.

Coco's POV
I know that people will make fun of me the second I walk in the class. And I was right. People immediately recognized me and started calling me Loco with no hesitation.Well I was about to make the teacher care! "You guys stop calling me Loco or I tell the teacher!" They all laughed at me "As if Mr Louie would care!" Where was Mr Louie anyway? I had to look under my desk to see him. A French bull dog? And the tiniest ever! I was bigger than Mr Louie. Well I got out of my seat and went to him. "Mr Louie, the class is making fun of me and calling me "Loco"" "well you do look Loco" he continued writing on the board with his chalk. He really didn't care. Well then I bet he'll care when I make a scene 😈. I grabbed a ruler and raised my voice very loud and said, "I have a ruler! And I'm not afraid to use it!" I pointed my ruler at a chihuahua as if I was going to hit it if it kept making fun of me. I kinda just use my claws but that was boring. The chihuahua cowered in fear. Coward.   Mr Louie finally spoke up, "Loco, do not  hurt him." "You just called me LOCO?!" I pointed the ruler at him. I got my teeth out and sharpened my claws. Mr Louie yelped and ran out of the classroom" I smiled evilly, so much for writing class, am I right?

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