Chapter 15: Traitor

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Coco's POV
Lunch! Finally! Last class was so boring! Anyway everyone was sitting down at our table. We were all just waiting for Amber who was still getting her lunch. Bailey literally gauged himself with so much food and ate very quickly. When he eats a lot of food he normally vomits so he better not vomit. Especially not on me, which is probably something he would do. He should vomit on Glitter if I'm being completely honest. After Amber was finished I was expecting her to come and walk over to our table and sit with us but no? She walked over to Glitter's table! What was she doing? Was she going to insult Glitter? But no she sat right next to her. "Amber? Why are you sitting on that table? We're your friends?" Amber giggled a little "Friends? Poof we're not friends. I'm Glitter's friend." "You traitor!" Bailey said. He was right! Everyone gasped. Amber had scammed us. She sabotaged the stand! She poured the water on my art on purpose! Se distracted Cindy on purpose! This is was all her little game. Like Glitter! And I thought she was nice! This is a real big game changer. I was so angry. I ran over to Amber. "This isn't over." I snarled at her, "haha Loco, you are dumb as ever. When bad things happen I'm always around." I walked back. She was so mean! I am certainly not dumb! She's just intimidated! I am powerful! "She called me dumb! The wretched snake called me dumb." I was about to charge after her again but Cindy stopped me, "hey coco, this isn't revenge time." We we're all disappointed by Amber's actions. Then some cat came waltzing over. "Bailey, Bailey, Bailey! Is it ok if I call you Bails? Well Bails, I tasted your cupcakes, scrumptious sure! But less frosting next time you know? And don't forget I am pretty smart and I know what the public wants!" Who was this dude. "So you're an arrogant politician now, huh?" Said Bailey. Bailey obviously didn't like this guy. "Not exactly, just a little friendly competition." The he sat his bottom on the table and kept talking to Bailey. "Get off." "Why?" Oh Ellie, is it ok if I call you Ellie? Well Ellie, that is where Arthur is meant to eat his food, so if you don't mind, get off!" Bailey obviously had a beef with this guy. Then everyone in the cafeteria started laughing about the nickname Ellie for arrogant cat. Ellie slowly backed off and ran to his table.

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