Chapter 25: Another Start To The Day

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Coco's POV
The car arrived at the school. Some big German shepherd was just waiting there outside the door. Probably nothing to do with us. Or so I thought. Bailey walked up the stairs and the German shepherd walked down at a fast pace and accompanied Bailey up the stairs and inside the school. Bailey mentioned a bodyguard, was this... Atlas?? Whatever. I arrived in school and I immediately saw Glitter and Amber strutting down the hall. The stopped in front of me. "What now?" I asked. "Nothing, but did you see your little cat friend over there? With Atlas?" I looked over at Bailey and Atlas, they looked like friends. "Yeah?" "Well Atlas is a cousin of one of our dogs and we were thinking of him joining us, so can you stop them hanging out?" Pfft. Why would I help them get a new recruit? We're enemies! They really just... I don't even know how to describe them. Just plain silly in my opinion. I'm really not keen on those 2. Probably never will be. Anyway I better see what the first class is!

Bailey's POV
Music class. Huh that's a new one. Oh Arthur is there. Ever since when I accused him, him and I haven't really yeah. Oh this is going to be awkward. I sat down next to him. He moved over a bit. He still wasn't happy with me. But you know what? I have other friends. I have Mike and Atlas so I don't care if we're not buddies anymore. If he's going to act like that then so be it because I'm going to stop trying. I've done so much for him and he repays me like this? So unprofessional. We all had to get into groups of 3. The. Elton came strutting to Arthur and I. "Hey gentlecats! Want to be in a group with me? Oh hi Bailey." Oh come on not this guy again! "I have friends over there so I'm just going to join them." Arthur was trying to get out of working with me. "Well you 2 have got no choice we're the only ones left so... let's do this!" I didn't need Elton at the moment. Nor did I need Arthur. This was officially the worst group ever. Why can't I just do a class with Mike and Atlas at the same time?! We had to make up a rhythm with a violin, a drum and some maracas. Elton went straight for the violin. I went for the drum and Arthur was left with the maracas. "We will be called Elton and the Gentlecats!" How about Bailey and the good for nothing cats? Elton wanted to do this piece that his owners watch every evening at exactly 6:47. The teacher had gone on a toilet break so Elton took this opportunity to print out the piece. And it printed out of the music printer. But as soon as he started playing the violin. He poked a string and it came off but some glue and patience later it was back and Elton said it was probably better if we save it all for the performance in front of the class. When it was finally our time to perform in front of the class, we played and it didn't go well, Elton's violin playing was horrid, Arthur didn't know when to shake his maracas and just kept on drumming the whole time. Then the teacher looked at the music sheet Elton had handed her that we were meant to be playing. But it really did not sound like it was meant to, although I had never actually listened to it I don't think it was meant to sound like this. "Elton what is this?" The teacher asked. "It's Viola Insieme!" "You're not playing to viola, Elton, you're playing the violin." "I thought viola was a fancy word for violin?" "No it's a completely different instrument." "Oh." "That's why it didn't sound right." The whole class started laughing. For our terrible playing and Elton's stupidity. We were all embarrassed but I think Elton was the most embarrassed.

Coco's POV
My cooking class was first up surprisingly. We had to make a pet friendly chocolate cake. So pet friendly chocolate. Last cookie class we made pet friendly cupcakes which helped Bailey's campaign, a LOT. We haven't done much for Bailey's campaign in a while so I thought this cake could be for his campaign! After I did the frosting I topped with fruit and treats, now this was going to be cool!

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