Chapter 6 : Food Fight!

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Bailey's POV
It kinda did suck that I couldn't sit with Ajax at lunch. He had auditions to do. At least it had a cafeteria in the school. You could eat as much as you wanted! Well that's what I think at least. I only got a big bowl of cat food. That's my basic diet but then I saw my all time favorite! Raw chicken! Cut up in small bits! I then topped my cat food with the raw chicken bits like a salad! I even mixed it around! And don't tell anyone but I may have also put some dog food in hehe. I sat down with Coco and Cindy. It was a 6 seater table. I was sitting next to no one. Sad I guess. But then Archer or whatever his name is came and sat down with me. I don't know if he's met Coco or Cindy before but I knew Coco would get exhausted by him in just a second. "Hey Bailey! Because you're my new friend, I have to sit with you!" What? So random. I never said we were friends. Barely even know the guy. "Oh hi Archer."  "It's Arthur" "well I'm just going to call you Archer." Coco started to talk up, "I invited Akira over." "Who is Akira?" "I'm Akira." Then this Persian cat came strutting our way and sat opposite Coco, in other words, next to Archer. I'm glad there's only one dog at the table. "Can Artemis sit next to me?" Artemis? Is this Cindy's new friend? Isn't Artemis some Greek goddess or something? Eh, people name their pets weird names these days. "ARTEMIS! COME SIT WITH US!" Cindy called out to some dog. Oh come on, not a another dog! Some Labrador sat in between Coco and Cindy. Then Ajax came over, hang on, I thought he had auditions to do? "Hey um Bailey, can I speak to you for a sec?" "Yeah sure." Ajax and I went to the other side of the cafeteria to talk. "Ok so Bailey, as much as you hate it you've got great acting skills." "What is this conversation leading to exactly?" "Listen just bear with me ok? I want you to play a role in Encanto. I want you to play Bruno." "No way am I doing that. Sorry but Bruno's not my style." Bruno? He really thinks I could be Bruno? He knows how much I hate acting so how could he do this to me?! Then I had an idea. "Actually, I know the perfect guy for Bruno!" I led him to archer. "Ajax I want you to meet Archer I mean, Arthur. He's my new friend I think he'd be perfect for the job!" I can't believe I called this creature from Mars, my friend. "Um Bailey what are you talking about?" Arthur asked me. "My friend, Ajax here is offering you the role of Bruno in the musical!" "Wow really? I've always wanted to be in a musical! I will be Bruno of course! Thank you so much Mr Ajax! It's an honor!" What an enthusiastic cat. After Ajax let we then started to discuss a revenge plan on Glitter. We now officially had code names, I am Captain Sleepy, Coco is Captain Hunter, Cindy is Captain Active, Arthur Is Captain Fun, Akira is Captain Cool and Artemis is Captain Food. We wanted to start a food fight. And yeah I just heard the news about the Loco situation but I'm staying out of that. Coco went over to Glitter's table and insulted her to her face. I don't exactly know what she said but I bet it was good. Then Coco *accidentally* spilled milk on her. Then Coco turned back and winked at us. Glitter was not happy! Glitter whispered something to her dog friends. Wonder why she only had dog friends. Then Cindy got up told pets from different tables about what Glitter said about them. Some were true, some were lies. That caused pets to start throwing their food at Glitter. "Grrrr what are you guys doing?!"now that Glitter was no longer Miss Luna's teacher's pet, no one was afraid to do something or say something to. Now she had no Miss Luna to cry to. Eventually Glitter was drenched in milk and water and some food stuck to her. She stormed off to the bathrooms to clean herself up. That was the funniest thing I've ever seen!

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