Chapter 12 : Want A Cupcake?

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Cindy's POV
I honestly couldn't believe that Bailey is running for school captain! Wow! That's so cool! But it is expected as he is pretty smart. He even knows 1+1! Mind blowing! But everyone says that everyone can do that, I mean I guess but I find it cool if someone can do that! I would be massively impressed if I was a teacher, I Would give them A+! Anyway Coco and Bailey came out what a few trays or yummy cupcakes! Mmm! They looked delicious 😋. I wanted to eat them straightaway! But I knew it was probably for the campaign. That sucks I guess, but we have to help Bailey! Even if it means I don't get to eat some cupcakes. I was talking to Artemis and Mishka about homework because there were rumors going around that they will be giving us homework. Why homework? Such utter despair 😩. Oh woe is me I guess.  Wait why am I talking fancy? Who knows haha! Anyway... Back to the chase! Bailey and Coco carefully walked over to me, Artemis and mishka. I really like Mishka. She's pretty smart and cool for her age. Glitter is so mean, you shouldn't bully a puppy; or anyone for that matter! If I ran to be school captain, I would have a speech about equality and respect for others and an anti-bullying message. Would you vote for me? I definitely would! But maybe not any of those mean cats or dogs. When coco and Bailey finally got to us, they said, "alright guys, we need to gather up all our friends in order to set this up!" We all nodded. Sounds like a plan! Maybe I should get Amber??? Hmmm I wouldn't know how to find her but just as I was thinking about her, "Ooo do my eyes deceive me or are those cupcakes?" A familiar cat came strutting our way. As in a familiar cat, I mean Amber! Wow she really comes at the right time! Amber lifted her paw to scrape a little icing off the cupcake but Bailey quickly pulled it away. "Who are you?!" As I was about to say who she was, coco said it for me! "Thi-" "this is Amber! My friend. Hey Amber want to help us out?" "Ooh sure. But what am I helping out with exactly?" "Oh um, bailey's running for school captain and the cupcakes are apart of our campaign." She nodded and now all we had to do was find our friends.

Coco's POV
I had to look for Akira to help. That's when I knew where she would be. She would be in the art room, doing spray paint I'm sure of it! Akira was quite artistic. I went to the art room and I saw her spray painting, she had headphones off and she was humming to a tune. She then started to sing in a soft tune, "*what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, stand a little taller, doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone*." I think I knew the song? I wasn't really big or familiar with songs to be honest. I went up to her and talk her headphones off. She kept singing alone and then said, "huh? Where did the music go?" "Hey! Over here!" "Ohhh!" She turned around to see me holding her headphones. "What happened?" she said in a mischievous way. She must've noticed my stern look I gave her for no reason 😂. Oh well, it was worth it! "Oh nothin', just wondering if you'd like to help Bailey and I?" She nodded. "Sure! But why the stern look?" "Oh I don't know." She shrugged and said questionably, "okay....?" She walked along with me.

Bailey's POV
It didn't take that long or too much work to find Arthur. I could already see him from afar. When we walked back I already saw Artemis and Amber setting up the stand. Thank goodness! We gave the trays to the dogs and they put it on the stand. Aha! Perfect! I could already see dogs and cats drooling. A few people lined up, asking, "how much are they?" I chuckled and said, "they're free! One each! Vote Bailey for school captain!" Soon all our friends were gathered around advertising the cupcakes and me for school captain. I felt like the president. Such an honor! And while the cupcakes were hand out all I had to say was, "Want a Cupcake?"

* You know that song Akira was listening to? Well it's a real song! Comment what you think the song is and first person to get it right will get a shoutout in the beginning of the next chapter (or the chapter that is up to when someone gets it right." Remember add the song and artist!

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