ℭ𝔥-16×ℭ𝔥𝔞 𝔈𝔲𝔫𝔴𝔬𝔬

ابدأ من البداية

"In the end of this month, we will start to learn about pure breed wolves, when you will go to Mysthaven woods, with me, Seongja yoongi, and Cha eunwoo. In every two months, we take our students to Mysthaven woods so that the wolves can know about nature, and learn about basic needs of life. You all will have to do your works on your own, where me and seongja yoongi will only guide you. Understood?" She said, and taehyung nodded at her words.

"Does anyone else want to ask anything more?" She asked. All of them shook there heads as no, making the omega nod at them.

"Now, leave."



As soon as they all exited the temple, Jimin left from there with fast pace without sparing a single glance to anyone.

"Minnie, what happen? Wait for me!" Taehyung shouted from behind, and rushed towards him.

Hoseok frowned and turned his gaze towards jungkook, who's cheek is still red because of the slap the omega provided him some wolf steps(hours) ago.

He walked in close to him, and stared at him with squinted eyes, but the elder did not even glanced at him, and continued to stare in the direction from where the omega just left.

"What you said to that omega that he rewarded you with a slap?" Asked hoseok, his furrow deepening with his words.

For some moments, jungkook did not said anything, and just continued to stare in blank space, with unknown emotions in his red eyes.





"I, am Cha eunwoo, the royal chief commander of jung's clan. Today I am here to evaluate the things which you learnt in past one month in this practice field. The evaluation will be of 50 blue moons(points/marks). You have to score 40 blue moons, to continue learning in jung's reign practice field. If you failed to score 40 blue moons in today's evaluation, then you have to go back to your reigns, and Jung hoseok and Jeon jungkook will be restricted from stepping in practice ground for forever." Eunwoo explained staring at all the wolves in front of him, but his eyes are locked to taehyung for some unknown reason.

"And, taehyung, I have heard a lot about you. You are well known by the name of troublemaker in your clan, am I right?" He said, making the alpha smile at him.

"Not only troublemaker, I am also the most handsome alpha existing my clan." He said. Hoseok rolled his eyes, jungkook scoffed and jimin, he was not having any reaction on his face.

"In battle ground your looks are not going to help in any way, taehyung Kim." He said, now walking in his direction with his hands placed on his back.

"Neither my troublesome behavior has anything to do in battleground, eunwoo seonaengnim." Taehyung said, with a polite smile on his face. This made the older alpha raise his brow at his words.

"It has, because your troublesome behavior will become your habit, and you can repeat it in battleground too. I suspect on your abilities. "

"Eunwoo seonaengnim, you have to comment about my abilities in battlefield by today's evaluation, and not by your assumptions." again, taehyung said with a polite smile, but till now, jimin who was standing without any emotion on his face, is glaring at the alpha now, jungkook is smirking at eunwoo's words, and hoseok, his eyebrows are formed in a deep furrow in confusion. 

For some moments, both the alphas stared at each other, before a huge smile formed on eunwoo's lips.

"I liked your confidence alpha kim. You did not just blindly accepted by words, but also put valid points in front of me. I want this kind of confidence in you for the next two years." Eunwoo praised, and turned his gaze towards hoseok. 

Reign Of Alpha And Luna (A Vhope Fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن