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Luffy decided to sail because he was already 17 years old, his abilities are needed by Luffy as a guide, Chopper as a doctor, Nico Robin as an archaeologist, Franky as a shipwreck and Brook as a musician. Kuro to get Ussop, fight with Don Krieg to get Sanji, fight with Arlong to get Nami, fight with Wapol to get Chopper, fight with Crocodile to get Vivi which in the end Vivi decides to stay in the Arabasta kingdom because she is the princess and in the end, finally got Robin because Luffy had saved Robin, fought with Ciper Pol 9 agents to get Franky and also saved Robin and fought with Moria to get Brook. Of course Luffy went through it all with difficulty but he remembered Sasuke's words that if he had nakama who wants to be protected, then he will naturally grow stronger. Luffy always wants to meet Sasuke but always fails because he doesn't have enough information where Sasuke is, escaped from Impel Down and after that he disappeared. Of course Luffy was a little worried about Sasuke but Luffy believes that Sasuke is a strong person. The second strongest person he met after his grandfather Garp. So Luffy thought that there couldn't be anyone who can kill Sasuke even though he's an admiral.

Now the straw hat crew is at Saboady Archipelago and is walking with Rayleigh, heading to Shakky's bar, with Rayleigh carrying Hacchi, one of the fishmen who was hit by a shot from Tenryuubito.

Rayleigh, it turns out you've come home. It's fast, and I thought you'd found Monkey-Chan." Shakky said, opening the door while holding a cigarette in his hand.

"Hacchi is seriously injured. We have to immediately prepare a bed for him and treat him," Rayleigh said.
"What happened? Forget it! I'll prepare a bed for him." Said Shakky, who immediately came back and rushed to prepare the injured Hacchi's bed.
"O-San, you said you wanted to talk to me?" Luffy asked Rayleigh.
Rayleigh, who heard that, just smiled at Luffy, which made Luffy a little confused.




"WHAT!? YOU'RE SAILING ON THE PIRATES KING'S SHIP!?" Asked Luffy who couldn't believe what Rayleigh said.

"That's right.. I used to be a vice-captain. Silvers Rayleigh. Nice to meet you." Rayleigh said smiling and holding a glass filled with liquor.

"VICE CAPTAIN!?" Franky and Nami shouted at the same time who were also shocked by the information they received.

"Hmmm. you didn't tell them Hacchan?" Shakky said to Hacchi who was being treated by Chopper.

"I thought they just wanted to bubble their ship so I didn't tell them.." Hacchi said.

"I've heard that name before!" Said Ussop who just realized it.

"His name has been written in various books." Said Nami who covered her mouth while crying.

"I'm sure everyone knows that name." Said Sanji who had cold sweat because he saw the living legend first hand.

"Gold Roger... It seems there was a Rookie with that name in the past." Brook said while eating his food.

"Why is someone like you friends with that octopus..?" Zoro asked Rayleigh.

"Hacchi saved me when my ship sank in the ocean 20 years ago." Rayleigh said while playing with the bottle he was holding.

"He owes his life to Hacchi, even though he's still a child, said Shakky, who helped answer the successive questions from the straw hat crew.

"Hacchi and I were very close before he joined the sun pirates," said Rayleigh.

"Arlong huh?" Asked Luffy who was still eating food from the refrigerator in the bar.

"And also.. Long time no see Nico Robin..." Rayleigh said, smiling at Robin who had been silent from earlier with a sad expression.

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