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Langa was laying in bed doing his homework, with slight issues. for the past 3 or so months he's been feeling sick and bloated. Assuming it to be stress or over eating. He sat in his bed working on a project as he was he got up to grab some water, reaching for a cup from the cupboard he flinched and dropped the cup in panic having a strange sensation in his belly. "w-what the hell?" He never swears like that but that scared him so much. He touched his belly where he felt it and it came again. "MOM?!" "Langa what's wrong?" his mom ran into the kitchen. "I-I felt something weird- it was like something kicked my ribs-" His mom stood up still holding his shoulder gently. "Ill take you to the-" She paused. "Mom?" "Langa have you felt, well different at all?"  Langa stared in confusion. "Um well I feel slightly bloated somehow." His moms face went pale. "Mom?" "Sit down you might need to.

"What-" Langa stared in blank confusion. "I know its hard to believe, but kiddo your gonna have a baby." His mom smiled. "Aren't you, Mad?" Nanako sighed. "Yes I am angry you weren't more careful." Langa dropped his head. "But I'm happy for you, A long as you and the father, If he chooses to, take responsibility." Langa smiled. "Thanks mom. I'll tell him tomorrow morning." Nanako smiled. "Okay, Oh gosh I'm so happy I'm gonna be a grandma!" Langa texted Reki that he had something important to tell him the next day, Reki  waited till the morning while langa barely slept still freaked out about the pregnancy and also the fear of telling Reki. 

"So what's up man?" Reki asked oblivious as always. "Um well, Lang Twiddled his fingertips in nervous anticipation, Well yesterday I felt something weird and my mom whos a doctor she checked me up and, well." he took in a deep breathe. "I'm pregnant." He shut his eyes and looked away from Reki in fear of what he'd say or do. But instead he heard sobs. "Reki?" turning back to him he saw the tears flooding out of his eyes. "I-I'm gonna be a dad?" he asked through tears. "Yeah-" Reki yanked him into  a deep hug, "I love you." Langa laughed, "I love you too."

not to long later the two boys found an apartment thanks to Rekis dad. Reki lathered Langa and there growing baby in love every chance he got, Whispering to the bump when Langa managed to get sleep. One ultrasound the found out that Langa was eating for three. "Twins?" Rei asked in stunned state. The nurse nodded. "Congrats, do you want to get the genders?" She asked. Langa shook his head along with Reki. "We agreed we wait till there born." The nurse nodded. "I'll print a photo for you two then." She handed Reki a photo of the Twins. he broke down right there in tears. "Reki?" Langa asked worried. "Sorry  I'm just so happy." He kissed his forehead.

three months later Langa delivered the Twin Girls Langa named one Nia and the other Olivia, after her Grandpa.

@RobertoMorales406 Thanks for this request<3 

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