second chance.

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(Miscarage,self harm,NSFW,Birthing details. CLICK OFF IF ANY OF THAT MAKES YOU UNCOMFORTABLE.)

Shinra layed in bed one hand over his small bump he was only one and a half months in to his pregnancy with his and Arthur's first kid,they didn't try it was a mishap but both boys where happy about it and company eight congratulated them.
As he lay in bed reading he felt a cramping pain.
Shinra paused he's no where near nine months,so why-?
Much to his fear he walked to the bathroom.
After he looked down into his underwear his heart sank. Blood soaked he leaned against the bathtub and cried like he never had before.
Once Arthur got back and saw Shinra there with the bloody underwear in the corner,he knew what it ment and all he could do was pull Shinra into his chest kissing his neck trying to comfort him.
"I'm sorry,I'm sorry i-i didn't mean to do it. I'm so worthless I couldn't even keep a baby for two months I really am a devil."
Shinra sobbed.
Arthur pulled him in.
"You are a devil but your my devil and I'm a knight so I'll protect you nothing is your fault."

It had been almost eight months since the Miscarage.
Shinra layed in his bed picturing what could've been. Him sitting on the couch cradling a little baby and Arthur comeing home from the fire force kissing his lips and holding his baby.
Though I never happend.
Arthur tried his best to comfort Shinra and take care of him in this time but Shinra was so distraught about the loss of the baby he didn't want to even breathe.
About six weeks ago Arthur found Shinra self harming. Arthur had to take him to a mental hospital where he stay for three weeks till the docters Said its okay now. Wich Arthur didn't believe.
We didn't even play the baby but both me and Shinra where so happy when we saw the test positive. I never seen him that happy. But now it came crumbling down.
Arthur felt some guilt as well. Maybe he should have been with Shinra more often and this wouldn't have happend.
Shinra walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table. "Morning." Shinra whispered.
Arthur replied he's never gotten out of way to even say welcome back when I get home.
"Arthur I have a question."
Shinra seemed upset but he smiled at the same time. "Sure,how do you feel?" Even though it was a relief to see Shinra smile again it was still unusual. "Can we," he paused.
"Try for another baby?"
Aurther stared at him for little bit.
"Shinra,are you sure you want to? I mean I'm all for it but do you really think your ready?"
Shinra nodded. "Please I want a second chance."
Arthur looked at him.
"As long as your recovered mentaly and physically Then let's try okay?"
Shinra looked at Arthur and smiled.
"Thank you."

"Mhm~ right there t-thats mhm~" Shinra moaned in his boyfriends neck. "I almost forgot how sensitive you where~"
"MHM,Harder." Shira moaned. "Arthur thrust his tounge into his mouth only letting go to allow eachother to breath. Arthur flinched as he felt someone rubbing his member.
"Your hard." Shinra muttered. "Because of you." Arthur muttered after a while of Shinra rubbing and licking his member he started to suck. He's sucking it. "Mhm."
That's enough he pulled his member out of shinras mouth and stuck in his puckered hole.
"AH~" Shinra moaned and lached onto Arthur as he thrust his member in and out. "F-aster,Please." Shinra whispered.
Aurther said nothing and Bagan to thrust faster into Shinra. "Hng I'm gonna C-Cum." Shinra muttered. "Ha me too both boys came and after there moment Arthur had a shower and returned to bed putting a baggy T-shirt on Shinra.

It had been almost eight months since they did it,the past eight months have been stressful every docters appointment,Kick slight pain or cramp was nerve racking,but now eight months later Shinra laid in a hospital bed with Arthur by his side waiting for the docter to see if he can startvto push.

"God my water broke thirteen minutes ago and GAH-" "Shinra it's okay calm down and breath." Arthur rubbed his shoulder. "T-hanks."
Just then a docter came in. "I'm just gonna check kusakabe's dilation quickly." Shinra gripped Arthur's hand,he hated it when the docters checked.
"Yup definitely fully dilated I'm gonna get the midwife." She announced. Shinra smiled. But Arthur saw a hint of fear. "Shinra don't worry we made it this far along all you have to do is give all you got ti bring them into the world I know you can do it don't worry."
Shinra looked at him then at his enlarged abdomen. "Yeah,I'll do my best."
Just then the midwife walked in. "Okay Kusakabe how do you feel right now?"
"Alot of pain so I really want to start." Shinra replied. "Okay,Do you want to do it on the floor right here,or in the bathtub?"
"Right here." Shinra replied.

"GAH-ARTHUR!!!" Shinra screamed smacking Arthur's arm. "I'm right here don't worry." "YES IM VERY WORRIED THIS HURTS LIKE HELL."
Shinra screamed at him.
"Shinra the heads almost out!" The midwife exclaimed. "Arthur I-I can't do this!"
"Yes you can Shinra we waited for this and now it's finnaly happening so please try!"
Shinra gripped his hand.
Arther didint admit that hurt since Shinra was in loads of worse pain.
"HA-Gah- come on baby."
Arthur rubbed his back as Shinra sat up a bit spreading his legs apart to let his baby slide out,easier. "Hooo,hnng!"
"So close Shinra the heads out push really good for the shoulders after I can guide them out. Shinra nodded.
He gripped Arthur's arm and pushed with everything he had. "HNG."
"Almost there." "BABY!"
Then for Shinra it felt like the world went silent all he heared was his newborn baby's shrill crys.

"She's perfect." "She really is." Shinra held his daughter in his arms,for the first time it was magical to him,a true fairytale.
"She's a princess and my duty as a night is to protect my princess." Arthur exclaimed. "Six tears later you still belive that your a knight,heh."
Arthur pouted at him.
"It's okay as long as she's the princess a knight serves to protect." Arthur smiled. "Can I hold her?"
Shinra nodded. "She's also your daughter." He gently handed her over to Arthur.
"I know the prefect name for you
Aku for short"

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