My lifes a BL

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Sasaki walked down the hallway to the docters room,he spilt some hot water that fell on his hand so he went to get it checked.
As reached for the handle he heared a familiar voice.
"What?! No no no no,how could I be stupid."
"Miyano please calm down."
"How can I calm down,it freaking positive,I don't if I'm ready for this let alone sasaki-senpai."
Saski leaned into door listening in.
"Miyano,what you should do it figure out what you want to do with it after talking it out with sasaki. He's your boyfriend and I can tell he loves you alot."
"I know but would he still if I told him?"
Sasaki walked in.
"Tell me what?"
"I'll leave you two alone."
The docter shut the door behind him.
It was silent.
"Sit." Miyano patted the couch beside him.
Sasaki sat next to him.
"I've NIT told you but for a few weeks I've been getting sick alot."
"Are you okay?"
Sasaki asked.
"Yeah it's practically normal for..this."
Sasaki held miyanos hand.
Miyano taking in a deep breath.
"The reason is because I'm...I'm pregnant."
Sasaki froze looking at miyano gripping his stomach.
"I only took a test so I'll check up with my docter but-"
"Miyano,can I hug you?"
Miyano looked up him and nodded.
Sasaki embraced miyano."
Miyano hugged him back.
"Your not mad.?"
Sasaki laughed.
"No where about to have a baby,I can't wait for that,especially one with you."
Miyano turned beat red.
"S-stop it."
Sasaki laughed once more.
"Thank you for this mya-chan."
"I still to take to my real docter to confirm it so don't get too excited."
Sasaki smiled looking down he saw miyano had a hand rested on his belly. God moms gonna kill me-

Sasaki graduated three months later,miyano stop going to go school after then,Sasaki did not go to college,he got a part time job while miyano did online school from his very understanding teacher.

Nine months later
"Sasaki senpai..?"
Miyano shook the ginger awake who was fast asleep on his shoulder in there bed.
Mhm "Whats wrong?"
Miyano flinched gritting his teeth.
"S-sasaki the contractions are starting it hurts a lot."
Sasaki rubbed miyanos baby bump and back to sooth him and the baby.
"Okay,I'll grab the bag you get ready."
Miyano nodded.
Sasaki scrambled out of bed grabbing the nearest clothes of his to wear(Though he swore he put on miyanos socks)
Throwing them on and grabbing the bag.
"Miyano you ready?"
He asked.
Miyano nodded.
Let's get the torment over with so I can meet her." He said with a smile,though the smiled was obviously faked.
As Sasaki drove down the highway miyano stopped him.
"Can we get some McDonald's?"
"M-mya-chan,your in active labour I have to take you to the hospital."
Sasaki exclaimed.
"But she wants some pancakes and after she's born she can only have my milk and baby formula,can't she have one last meal before she has to be born?"
Miyano looked at him with puppy dog eyes.
"O-okay." But after where going straight to the hospital don't yell at me if your water breaks in the McDonald's."

After that

"Mya-chan stay in the car I'll grab a wheelchair."
Miyano sat in the back of the car eating pancakes while crying.
"I just wanted to have one last meal with the baby in me but she said she had to born now,everyone was looking at meee!"
Miyano sobbed scarfing down pancakes.
"I was worried your water would break and it did,let me help you in the wheelchair."
Sasaki picked miyano up and into the wheelchair handing him the plate with the last remaining pancake on it.
"Its hard to eat,it hurts so bad." Miyano moaned
"Don't force yourself to eat it." Sasaki replied.
Miyano tossed the rest in the trash.
After Sasaki checked in and the docters got into a private room miyano said he wanted to do it a bathtub,so tge docters and nurses help Sasaki set it up.
24 minutes passed miyano had finnaly started to push. He gripped onto Sasaki's shoulders as he pushed,Sasaki rubbed his back kissing and encouraged him,
Only the two and one docter.
"S-sasaki senpai how much longer it hurts so much I don't know if I can do this any longer!"
Miyano cried.
Sasaki looked at the docter.
"The heads out,you need to push super hard on the next few contractions for the shoulders."
Miyano nodded.
"Cmon baby,help me out a bit." Miyano whispered.
"Your doing amazing mya-chan."
Saski said kissing his cheek.
Miyano felt a strong urge to push again.
Miyano screamed.
Sasaki felt guilty he's the one who did this to him.
"Come on one last push your one push away from holding her!"
The docter exclaimed.
Miyano barred down with ever inch if strength he had left,then he felt all the pressure release from him no more pain just a soreness.
Saski and miyano looked over at the docter who was cleaning off the baby in his arms dressing it in the outfit miyano asked.
"Lets get you cleaned up and into the bed." The docter handed the baby to miyano. Sasaki helper him to his bed. The docter did a quick check on miyano and after the placenta was out he left.
"Oh my god,she's perfect." Miyano cried wiping away tears.
"Look at her hair,she definitely looks like you."
Sasaki kissed miyano's lips,miyano closing his eyes and kissing him back. Then Sasaki sat down on the bed next to miyano. "Look at her,she's so small and fragile." Miyano whispered.
"Mya-chan,what is her name?" Sasaki asked.
Miyano looked down at her.
"I was thinking
Sasaki looked down at her.

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